Your opinions


New member
I stopped by Walmart to pickup some ammo and noticed this "memo" taped to the glass display case.

So what is your opinion on the message?

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I've seen the signs before. I was just commenting on the fact that someone (i assume an employee) crossed out serve and wrote save.


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New member
They've done this before. During the last buying spree of 08-09.

I don't have a problem with it- Walmart wants as many customers as possible to be served; while it may not make any difference to their bottom line whether one person buys it all or whether it's sold piecemeal to multiple buyers, they do want to make sure (as much as possible) that every buyer gets at least something.

There were rumors of some gun shops buying up the Walmart ammo (like the Winchester White Box) and reselling them at higher prices... I don't know if that was ever confirmed, but Walmart sure doesn't want to have a rep for being unable to stock a product when you can find it elsewhere for more, so it could be an attempt to combat that practice.

And quite honestly, if you need THAT much ammo you're better off buying in larger quantities online and paying shipping; $36 for a 100 pack of .45ACP FMJ sounds decent until you realize that you can get it for $300/1000 plus $25 shipping from elsewhere.


New member
Technosavant, I edited the original post to reflect what part of the memo I was curious about.

I did casually ask the guy who opened the case what the "save" was supposed to mean. He said he did not know.

I guess my question is: Was this some anti trying to be cute or am I reading too much into it?


New member
You asked for it..

My opinion is that it is someone trying to be cute...Though in Baytown Texas I'm more willing to put my money on a teenager having fun than anything.:)


New member
yeah, some stoopid trying to be cute. not really insulting, except maybe to my sense of humor. i mean, not really funny, or clever.


if its TAPED to the OUTSIDE of the case, its 99.9999999999 percent qaurunteed to have been altered by a customer. if walmart has something to say its in print, by an actual computer printer. unless its a clearance item.


New member
I've been limited by this "service" a couple times, but more times than not, the employee working the counter allows more than six.


Active member
I vote: Not trying to be cute. Just Walmart trying to make sure that all customers have access to ammunition. As elections get closer, I'd expect a run on ammo.


New member
In some cases, Wal Mart prices are lower than distributor cost to other outlets. I know of one case were the distributors cost was higher than the sale price at wal mart.

He delivered the ammo and then purchased it back at the sale Price. The store had no ammo to supply their customers. and the distributor resold the ammo at a tidy profit. This also happens with special sales on guns.