Your momma's so untactical ...

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New member
... she'd have carried Count von Mannlicher's love-child were that possible.

... she thinks ACOG has something to do with wheels or gears.

... she thinks handgun development stopped with the Colt SAA.

... she doesn't CCW, she has a gun-bearer for that.

OK, I'm sick with the flu and bored ... humor me, please! :D


New member
She actually thinks a wheelgun holds enough rounds.
She doesn't own a green gun.
She won't own anything polymer.


New member
... she attached a folding Carcano bayonet to an AR-15.

... she clears rooms with a broom.

OK, I should stop now.


New member
Your girlfriend's so untactical, that when you're talking about "Magnums" with your buddies, she thinks you're talking about condoms.


New member
She doesn't have a surefire on any of her guns.

She loves the smell of blackpowder.

She protects her home with a sawed off side by side while wearing a bandelero shell holder.

Her garand is the "best battle rifle ever made"

Get well soon

Dave R

New member
She is so untactical she...

-thinks a clearance drill is when the store has a sale.
-thinks you clear a stovepipe with a bristle brush.
-thinks mag capacity is how many ytou can stack on the back of the toilet.
-says "Bless you" when you say Glock.
she is so untactical she ...

... doesn't think "black" HAS to be the color of every part of the gun.
... wants to know if "unleaded" is good enough to use in your assault rifle


New member
She's so untactical she ...

... spotted a thread titled, "Lee dies" and opened it to find out who Lee was.



New member
Your momma is so untactical...

...she drove through a SWAT barricade into the middle of a standoff at a KFC and cussed the guy out for not unlocking the door and letting her in!!!

Wait....that was MY mom that did that!!!! (before you guys ask, no kidding, she really did)


New member
rapier144... A couple of SWAT Officers assisted her in leaving the area without her chicken... What makes this even worse is that not only is she actually an intelligent woman, but has 3 ex military and one retired LEO in the family... She said she was in a hurry and really wanted the chicken....DOH!

Smokey Joe

New member
Thank You!

Doc Fox, LOL, really OL! Best chuckle I've had all day. Thanks. :)

Of course, had it been MY mom, she'd have stared down the SWAT guys (and gotten an apology) browbeaten the standoff BG to embarrassment, and intimidated the KFC manager into firing up one of the cookers just for her. Right now. Mom had a certain way about her.

Gosh, I miss her.

Leif--I do hope yr feeling better!


New member
Green Eggs...

Depends on how much endplay the revolver has. But it's only good for six shots at most!

Unless it was a Dardick, maybe... hmmm.....


New member
well, if i'm not mistaken, and forgive me for the proper term, but is there not an insert in the frame of the single action in which the firing pin goes through? it is my understanding that if this piece works out or is removed, when the hammer strikes the primer, the primer will blow itself out, cocking the hammer which will strike the next round and so forth. will anyone correct me on this??? now i will admit that this is something i read a number of years ago and i haven't actually experienced it so don't take it for gospel.
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