Your indulgence, please


New member
I've been trying to think of a way to make
this post firearms related. Am not sure
that I can, except to say we all hope that our
lives are long and fulfilling; and that we can
enjoy our hobbies for a good long time.

With that rather weak premise stated, I will

Guys; get a physical.

Tomorrow at this hour I will be in a doctor's office.
He will tell me if I have prostate cancer.
Scared? You betcha!

I am one of those men who hadn't had a physical for
ten years. As a birthday "gift" to my wife, I went
a few weeks ago. Digital exam; the whole gamut. Hard
spot on the prostate. Thus, the specialist appoint-
ment tomorrow. PSA (blood indicator) is fine, but
the possibility is there. The possibility is always

On this forum we talk about guns and good times. We
think we are invincible. Let me tell you, we are
not. None of us.
I've learned a significant lesson. Win, lose, or draw
tomorrow; I will never again place myself in the
position of being too macho to have something as
simple and painless as a physical. It is not worth the
mental anguish...or the alternative.

Guys, if you are over forty, swallow your pride. You are
not bullet proof. Bend over. Get it done. It's your
health. Without that, everything else is irrelevant.

Moderator: delete this post if necessary.

[Edited by Sport on 03-01-2001 at 02:04 PM]


New member
good luck, man. let us know how things turn out, definitely. in the meantime, with me being another one who hasn't been to the doc in years, I'm asking around to see who's got a good doctor, dentist, etc. ...