Your favorite?


New member
Ok, this is not another one of those "if you could only have one, which one" threads. My question is different: of those that you own, which is your favorite and why?

I had to think a bit before answering this question. My little arsenal at this point is 8 -- Smith & Wesson revolver Models 27, 28, 36, 66, 617, and 625, and two semis, a Smith & Wesson Model 1911 and a CZ 75B SA. I love all of them and wouldn't willingly part with a single one.

But, if I had to choose a favorite, the narrow (in fact, very narrow) winner would be my Smith & Wesson Model 27-3 4". It's a solid a handgun as I've ever touched, massively built to handle virtually any pressure .357 round. It has a great da and sa trigger, although not as good as on a couple of my other revolvers, it is 100% reliable, and it as accurate as any gun that I own. With this gun shooting offhand double action with 158 gr. SJHPs I can often cloverleaf six rounds at 10 yards, get 1 1/2" groups at 15, and 3 - 3 1/2" groups at 25. Shooting this gun is effortless. And lastly, it's a pretty cool gun. I'd imagine that, in the appropriate circumstance, just seeing it would be quite intimidating.


New member
this is not another one of those "if you could only have one, which one" threads.

Youre right its another one of those "which is your favorite," threads.


Well, for me,
Handgun-My Kimber CDP UltraII or my trusty S&W MP .40
Shotgun-Camo m4 Benelli
Rife-Socom II all tacticooled out
Hunting rifle-.308 BAR
Unneccesary rifle-300 Remington Ultra Mag

Notable mention out to my Special Edition glock 17 and POW MIA 1911

(as you can see i like all my guns and have many a favorite LOL):D


New member
The firearm you have used in actual combat will always be your favorite. Until that time, the question is rhetorical.


New member
Of all that i own my favorite has to go to the one that works when called upon in an emergency.....Other than that i love em all.....Wouldent have bought them if i didnt like em.


New member
Mine is the same favorite I posted last week...

Seriously though, my Springfield TRP 1911. It's accurate, reliable and fits my hand like no other gun I own. The 1911 is really a point and shoot gun for me.


New member
Got to be my glossy blue CZ-75B. I've got a couple of 1911's to choose from and my Ruger GP100 is a workhorse but my 75B has a place in my heart.


New member
My favorite is still a pair I own,,,

Stella, my Model 15 Combat Masterpiece in .38 Special,,,
Didi, my Model 18 Combat Masterpiece in .22 LR,,,
I can't imagine going to the range without both.

They both fit my hand perfectly,,,
Didi lets me have plenty of inexpensive trigger pulls,,,
Stella gives me the satisfaction of accurately shooting a full size round.

When I get older and grayer I'll probably parcel out most of my guns to friends and loved ones,,,
These two will be the ones I keep until I go for the big dirt nap.

Hey midlandwalther:

I enjoy my CZ-75B and my CZ-75B Kadet pair almost as much,,,
But at heart I'm a dyed in the wool wheelgun guy.



New member
If I was not useing it for "carry" mine would be my Briley 1911.

If I neded to carry a large frame it would be my Sig P220

For Hunting it would be the Super Redhawk 480

For fun it would be the blackHawk 45 Colt....


New member
My S&W 686 "no dash" is my favorite... to look at

My S&W 5" 1911 is my favorite... to shoot

My Kahr Pm9 is my favorite... to carry


New member
Favorite handgun is a bit different than "if I could only have one." Someone might chose that single shot Contender as their favorite but the .357 mag revolver as the one they would keep because of its versatility.

My favorite is my .45 acp Ed Brown Special Forces 1911. The one I would keep if I only had one is my 4 inch SW Model 27 .357 magnum because of its versatility. :D

357 Python

New member
My favorites are:
Revolver - 6" Colt Python, I borrowed the funds from my Grandmother and my dad signed the paperwork for it.
Semi-Auto pistol - S&W 59 (nickle plate) or Beretta 92F or Colt Series 70 MK IV Gov't Model 45 ACP All three were Christmas gifts from my parents.
Shotgun - J.C. Higgins Model 20 I got from my Granddad or a Remington 870 Wingmaster I got at the estate sale of a man I knew from work.
Rifle - Winchester Model 70 in 270 Winchester Another Christmas gift from my parents.
Overall favorite would probably be my 6" Colt Python. I carried it on many shifts as an armed security officer and passed an NRA Security Firearms Instructors School in the early 1980s with it. It served me well.