Your Favorite Pistol Brass??????


New member
What is your favorite Pistol brass for reloading.

best cycling?
Overall Performance?

For me I would have to say win,F-C and R-P.
What is yours???

Tony Z

[This message has been edited by tonyz (edited May 08, 2000).]


New member
Any brass I can sweep up for free at the range . . .

after it's come fresh out of the box and only been fired once . . . especially be someone else!

I have several shooters who even sweep up up for me in nice neat piles by caliber!

The Seattle SharpShooter


New member
My favorite pistol brass is Starline brass and sometimes Winchester. The Starline 9x23 brass hole up longer then the Winchester brass

I've gotten 50+ loadings out of some .38 Spl. brass I got in 1984.

Mild loads, don't crimp, and they can last forever.

Desert Dog

New member
Starline is so fine.

I use .45 Super brass from Starline for my hotloads...

.45 Super... Fat and FAST...

"No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority" - Thomas Jefferson

Mal H

Another vote for Starline. First class product, competitively priced and free shipping. That's enough for me.
I like most any brand that is nickled.
It doesn't seem to have the longevity of non-nickled but I like the slickness of it sliding in and out of dirty chambers and dirty revolver cylinders. It also feeds slicker in autos.

Nickled tumbles clean quicker but it's possiable to actually tumble the nickle off.

Loaded nickled rounds won't corrode with fingerprints and are better for long term storage in bandoliers and belts.


New member
Winchester and PMC brass. Plus anything free! ;)

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.


New member
My vote is for Starline brass.
When I first started reloading I was having some trouble seating primers and then I got the first order of Starline and all the troubles went away and stayed away.

I reload for 9mm and .40 and just kep using the brass and haven't seen any signs of wear or high pressure. My rotation period for the brass is use it and replace it when you run low. Meaning you lose some here and there and when you run low order more.

Haven't had a single proble using Starline.


[This message has been edited by G35MN (edited May 09, 2000).]