Your Favorite "Mousegun" ?? We all have one!


New member
Hi All :D
Putting aside the banter about terminal ballistics for a moment please post what you carry when you are " not carrying a gun". Please let me know why you picked this particular gun(s). My favorites right now are my Kel Tec P32
and my NAA .22 Mini revolver in .22mag that has a second .22 LR cylinder.
Sometimes the Glock is just not an option. Thanks. :cool:
i dont have one (a mousegun), i would have bought a Walther TPH in .25acp, but they dont make them anymore! so i bought a Glock 26. i have always been afraid of having the little seecamp (or whatever mousegun, you think of), go off in my pocket, and taking my family jewels off.

so my "favorite"---- WALTHER TPH

what i bought...........GLOCK 9mm


New member
My Kel-Tec P3AT is my go anywhere mousegun. My Kahr PM9 goes almost anywhere. Some pockets are a little tight for the PM9.



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K-t .32

I carry my Kel-tec .32 when I can't carry my 9mm. "A .32 in your pocket beats a .45 in your sock drawer."


New member
Kel-Tec P3AT. Rarely, I will carry my PSP-25 (Browning Baby clone.)

Half Price Assassin, the Iver Johnson .25 is a (not exact) copy of the TPH. You can get one for less than $200 if you look around.


New member
When I absolutely can not carry my S&W 642, which is rare, I tuck my NAA mini .22mag in my front pocket. It rides in a hand-made pocket holser that keeps the barrel clear and the grip upright. I would have preferred my AMT backup2 in .380, but comparitively, that thing weighs a ton!


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When concealment is an absolute must...


Needless to say, it doesn't get used very much but has come in handy occasionally over the years. For a "junk" gun, it's been extremely reliable.


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...1963 German Walther PPK in 380 tucked into an IWB holster. Concealment is so easy that even my wife can't tell when I'm carrying.

The 380 is no "Thunderboomer" but, it's better than nothing. Besides, I usually try to avoid those areas where trouble lurks...



New member

Dern Silly Little Gun. A two barreled derringer in .32 acp.

BUT, the top barrel shoots to point of aim and @ 800+ fps, it ain't that bad.

Charles S

New member
I have been utlizing the Kel-Tec P-32 as my mouse gun. I carried a AMT single action 380 for years, but I like my Ke-Tec better.
