Your favorite handy ideas


New member
I just picked up a brilliant idea from a thread that to be honest, I thought was "a bit silly". It was by a guy I thought must have been, well, 'mad', lol He wants some old .44 magnum mags to load his single action revolver with??! Then it dawned on me what a great idea this is :D To load my Vaquaro or Marlin lever, I have a pocket full of ammo, and have to dip into my pocket and grab some, then dip in again & again & they are all ways about, some this way, some that way.... If I had a mag or 3 full of ammo, just grab a mag from pocket, put it next to the loading gate, and thumb them in from the mag to the cylinder (or lever rifle loading gate) :eek: how easy is that? Brilliant I reckon. :D

Also, for separating shells from media out of a vibrator/tumbler, I use the front screne of an old freestanding room fan & a cat litter tray & shake the screne like you are panning for gold over the litter tray, media falls out, shells stay in screne, then empty litter tray back into tumbler... pretty easy too :D

What GREAT, simple ideas have YOU picked up here on TFL (or heard of, learned from old timers etc), that were so obvious, but you never thought of it til you saw it here (or other similar sites)

Sometimes the most simple things are the hardest to think of, but save you time and effort once you get told about it :D

Let us know what you know :D


New member
Brass bags with mesh/holes in the bottom. The maker of my range bag thought of it for me, but I thought of giving the bag a little shake before putting it away.


New member
Ice cubes and a rimfire rifle have always been a "poor mans tannerite" in my family. Its fun to watch the shards fly, dead center hits are the best of course.


New member

Speaking of golf :D I made a hairspray powered 'golf ball cannon' once..... could shoot a golfball out of site.... that was good fun :D

But that was when I was young and stoopid (last november) :D