Your faverite bullet for an AR15


New member
Im looking to work an accurate load for my 20" 1/7 AR15.
Im looking for the most accurite load I can get out of this particular rifle that wont require single feeding. There are far to many bullet manufaturers, weights and styles out there for me to try them all. I value yalls input greatly so if there turns out to be a small handfull of projectiles that the masses seen to like I will try them. As yall well know five projectiles with four to five different charges each is a lot of work as it is. These will be used primarily for benching.



New member
Some if it will depend on your barrel, powder and how you assemble them.

For my rifles, Noslers have always been the most accurate, some like the 69s better, some the 77s. The Sierra 69s produce slightly larger groups followed by the Hornadys. We are talking like 0.3MOA differences, but enough to see it.

I'd suggest get a 100 round box of the Nosler 77s and 69s (Custom Competition) with a slower powder, maybe Varget or even TAC and see what you get.


New member
I can tell no discernible difference between hornaday 75gr OTM, 77gr Sierra Match Kings or the cheap 75gr PPu's out to 200 yards. anything in that weight seems to do right about MOA for me out of a 16" BBL.

after looking again, maybe my sierra's are doing a little better than the rest



New member
I've had very good luck with the 75gr PPU bullets. I like them better than 68gr Hornadys.



New member
lokidansk said:
Im looking to work an accurate load for my 20" 1/7 AR15.

This is pretty much a standard High Power Service Rifle configuration. A standard load for them is RL-15 or Varget and a 77gr SMK, seated to mag length.

I personally use 77gr SML/RL-15. Some have had good success with the Nosler 77gr Custom Comps. I tried them, but couldn't get the accuracy I got with the SMKs, which is too bad because they're cheaper than the SMKs.


New member
OK guys
looks like my first attempt will be with SMK 77s "9377"
I'm gumma try it with 748 since I've got a boat load of it.
I'll let yall know how it go's.


New member
so far my best groups have been with the hornady 55 fmjbt aswell.
i'm just looking for better if i can find it. theres way to many people opting for the 77g smk for me not to try it. now i just have to find some.
The 7" twist is fast for short bullets, though that doesn't always produce bad results. It depends on how well the bullets are made and how well they tend to self-center in the bore (mitigate in-bore tilt). I understand the 7" twist was designed to stabilize the tracer round that pairs with SS109, but which is about 27% longer, and therefore needs more spin.

The 77 grain Sierras or Noslers would be an obvious choice for magazine fed rounds, though, as I posted in another thread, HSM makes a load with the 80 grain SMK seated down to 2.260" instead of the 2.550" length it was designed for. This feeds from a magazine, too. It just has less case capacity behind it and loads have to be lighter than for the full length for that reason. The velocity you give up because of that loss of powder space is not an issue until you get to very long ranges, though.


New member
THe hornady 53 grain match AMP bullet is LIGHTS out accurate in my 1:7 twist COLT M4.

The Nosler 55 grain FB TIPPED is also lights out accurate, and it literally explodes when it hits anything soft. Devestating.

26 grains of Accurate 2230 and the above 2 rounds is close to 1" groups in most AR's that are 1:7 twist


Just yesterday I loaded and shot some Sierra 69 gr and 85 gr bullets. Some through my AR, but mostly through my Savage Axis. Groups were as good as I could ask for in the AR... about a minute with the occasional flyer.

But my Axis LOVED those 69 and 85 grain sweeties. Oh my! The axis is surprisingly accurate for, what I would call, a bargain rifle. It will give me under a minute all day with factory ammo. The heavier weighs, charged on the low end of the recipe, gave me a ragged 3/4" hole from 2 - 5 round magazines. Just outstanding performance.

Then I started clanging away at some steel targets I use out at 150, 200 and 300 yards. At 150, my BDC was spot on and after 20 rounds, I had punched a nice, sharp dent in the center. If I kept going, a flat plate of steel would have eventually been shaped like a funnel. The 85 grain hits hard on the targets and feels great outta the gun.

At 200, the 69 gr bullets were landing 1/2" low of center and the 85 gr were hitting 2 " low, even with the BDC, but consistency was excellent. At 300, the 69 was 3" low and the 85 was about 6" low, but still tightly grouped. It was cold out so I expect a little fade, but it seems like they just ran out of steam beyond 200 yards, so a hotter load will be used next time. I won't be spending money on 55 grain bullets again.