Young hunter takes bull elk

Jack O'Conner

New member

This photo was recently taken by a proud father. The young hunter took this respectable bull with a neck shot after a long stalk.

30-30 is a keeper!


New member
Sort of proves wrong those who say you can't be successfull on elk with anything short of a magnum, huh? :p


Don't believe it. Elk are plated with 1/2 hardened steel armor, in my understanding from the 'net.

So you know this young hunter?


Happy boy and a proud father, that kid will never forget that elk no matter how many he takes in his life.

To much reading about what bullet/caliber is needed for elk and not enough on shot placement. Sells magazines, guns and gives guys who have probably never shot one something to yat about. Uncle of mine got his 17 years in a row with a 30-06 using 150 grain bullets. I took his advice and have killed several with the same. Posted about that once here before and got blasted " not enough bullet et." Most important is shot placement IMHO. Looks like that boy put it where it counted.


New member
My son is three and is already showing interest in going hunting with Ol' dad. That pic. just gets me gitty with excitement! Big congrats to the boy and the proud dad!


New member
Awesome look on that proud boy's face. I bet the grin on Dad's face is even bigger.
Take them kids hunting dangit! +1 for the future of hunting!


New member
The boy shows symptoms of huntsitis. A disease that is completely incurable. The symptoms are an itchy feeling when the weather turns cool, a need to spend every penny one earns on firearms and camo, and results in a lonely family in it's peak. I can tell from the goofy grin on his face and the proud look in his eyes. He'll never be the same.

Welcome to the dark side :)

Very nice bull. My 10 year goal is to make it out west for an elk hunt. Here in GA we only have deer and hogs.


New member
Ow yes Clayfish is sooo correct. There is no cure, just the anual medication that we take every fall and winter for a few months. Just a few more days, deer season starts nov. 11th here. Mmm I can taste the backstrap and scrambled eggs now!