You will love this


New member
You will all love this:

A new political party has been established in Holland.
One of it's main goals is to legalize, would you believe it, PEDOFILIA.
Looking at their program I found that they, among legalizing hard and soft drugs, and alcohol for minors, want to take all legally owned guns out of their owners houses, and restrict them to the clubhouse for use and storage.

Somehow they must see a benefit in getting rid of legal guns. I wonder what that benefit might be?

Kind of makes you think about the motives of anti gun people doesn't it?

Anyway, as a father of 2 sons, it will need a very courageous AND big pedophile to take away my guns.


PS: the party is called pnvd. I am sure that, openminded as they obviously are, they would not mind some visits to their website and get some feedback about this. Their website also carries some pictures of officials. This should save the US immigration service much time.


What's the reaction of the general populace to this "political party"?
And how many "proud members" do they have?
But you will find people right here that have no problem with the party's platform because it doesn't "directly" affect them!
The old "right and wrong" thing just won't go away will it!


New member
Having just returned from a long holiday, I have not heared any reactions yet.
I have enough faith in the common sense of my fellow dutchmen that this party does not stand a chance of achieving anything.
However, I do feel a little bit scr*wed by my government.
This government allows a pedophile party to be established (regardsless of anti or pro gun), takes away 52% of my wages in taxes, and allows my, under very heavy restrictions a maximum of 5 (five) firearms. Regardless of me being member of both a dutch and a belgian shooting club.


Kind of makes you think about the motives of anti gun people doesn't it?
No, it doesn't. It's a ridiculous non-sequitor to imply that because one anti-gun pro-pedophilia political party in Holland that's barely garnered a thousand votes and will most likely never rise to power that assigning the same ideals to anti-gunners in this country or even other antigunners in Holland is in any way justified.

That holds no more water than someone suggesting gun rights advocates in the US are child molestors because a few gun-owning Mormons have been charged with it.


New member
Look up NAMBLA...:barf:

Thats the American version..

I am guessing they want to get rid of guns so you can't off one of them when they come to take your kid on a date.


New member
Look up NAMBLA...:barf:

Thats the American version..

I am guessing they want to get rid of guns so you can't off one of them when they come to take your kid on a date.
Wow, I thaught that was only a south park joke:eek: Hey why dosnt the atf go after them!!! find out whare they have their HQ call the atf and say omg they have machine guns and they are waving them around. They wont have to cover anything up then.


New member
This truely sickens me to death! People who abuse children especially in this way do not have a valid reason to be alive in my eyes. I firmly believe they are teh sickest of the sick, and should be dealt with accordingly.

I will say that if I had any kids and they were the victim of one of these sickos I dare not utter what I would want to do to them.. no guns would be involved.....:eek: Just my bare hands, and time....

I know people that deal with tracking the sickos down and putting them in jail, I applaud them for their work. What really gets me is how invasive this threat to the community at large is, I could not imagine that there are so many out there.

The best part is the LOVE putting this sickos away and rightfully so. They are one of the best in the state that I live in, if not the best at putting these people behind bars!

I think they should endure the same treatment they give to this kids, then be dispatched in a slow painful process... They can rob a child, and their family of so much because they want to prey on individuals that can not fight back... bastards!!!


New member
I will say that if I had any kids and they were the victim of one of these sickos I dare not utter what I would want to do to them.. no guns would be involved..... :eek: Just my bare hands, and time....
Amen to that!


New member
Couldn't have put it any better myself...

I will say that if I had any kids and they were the victim of one of these sickos I dare not utter what I would want to do to them.. no guns would be involved..... Just my bare hands, and time....

Let's throw in some dull razors and rusty nails too. From what I hear, sick freaks like them who are thrown in jail are basically bent over, and are basically treated like the bottom scrape they are, bottom of the barrel even amongst the prison community. If anyone in LE could please confirm this, is it true that pedohpiles are treated horrendously worse in prison than other inmates?



New member
Dutchy, my regards on that issue.

Does the Netherlands allow for the use of firearms in self defense or just for sport?

I would think with all of the Islamic immigrants who seem fairly angry in Europe or at least in the UK that there would be some breathing room on the issue. My friend who lives in the Netherlands says that the issue of firearms is getting a little better... or is he wrong?


New member

Guns in the Netherlands (that gave away your knowledge of Holland) are for sport ONLY. Hunting is still allowed, but restricted in everyway possible, but as it is not my thing, I am not familiar with the details on that.
Guns, traditionally, are a no no in the bigger Dutch society. Mention of your hobby at for instance a party generally does not make you popular. I guess you could compare it to an american advertising at a party his profound interest in the genetic variations in the blue/red rodondendrons in inner Mongolia.
Your friend is right. For many years we were worst off in Europe, but things are slowly changing. The UK I will disregard, because of it's special history (Dunblane).
Belgium is catching up fast, all guns to be registered, after which of course licences will be introduced, but the Belgians are not told about this.
Spain, I believe even licenses airguns. I could go on, but will not.

Historically, if you look any society, there is an undenieable trend of ALL GOVERNMENTS to limit/control any freedoms of the individual citizen.

Take helmets on motorbikes. No one has ever died of a biker not wearing his helmet except the biker himself. Nonetheless, helmets are law in most countries.
UK introduced 1200 speedtraps (made in Holland) to counter accidents.
4 were installed in known dangerspots. But of course, the other 1196 were not installed for the money.

My view on the dutch government is the following:
Do the citizens like it? See if we can forbid it or tax it.
Does it create enormous social and criminal problems? If so, allow it, and then tax it (mariuana).
Allthough (or because) I have a university training, I see so many inconsistencies in our laws that I am no longer able to explain, much more defend them.
I travel all over the world and hate to be associated with Amsterdam and hashish everytime I get into a cab.

As for defense: every citizen is expected to be equal. This means that if my house is invaded, I am expected to call the police, sit tight and wait.
I might go downstairs to see who's there, but violence of any kind on my part is forbidden, except in direct defense of my or my relatives lives.
Would I be cleaning my guns, I might get away with clubbing with my rifle, loading it would be a crime.
Just a few weeks ago, one of the few "seemingly trustworthy politicians" anounced that if SHE would be re-elected, shopowners would not be charged automatically anymore in case they catch a shoplifter in a physical manner.
REDWORM, this must get you really worked up, I have read your posts, but I think you live in the same world as our politicians, which has nothing to do with the real world.

I would not like to comment on islamic immigrants because in my opinion the determining factor in this is immigrant, not islamic. The trouble that we as a society have with immigrants is that the government has allowed people from totally different social systems and tradition into our country, without preparing them, and what's worse, denying any problems that were extremely clear for the normal citizens under the pretext of "no discrimination".

Sofar my response, if need of more, I will be happy to oblige.
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New member
One little addendum on defense:

According to law, nobody is allowed to carry ANY weapon for defense, except the police. (Who got srewed by a committee that accepted the Walther P7, that, according a very well informed source only give trouble.
There was, however ONE exception to the (old) law: Judges and prosecuter could carry, that makes them of course more equal then all the others.

In contrast to many countries, we in the Netherlands have no "no go areas".
The risk of personal injury by coincidence in the street is minimal.
So if you are a "normal" citizen, there is no need for personal defense waepons.
Burglaries however are beyond your personal influence, they pick your house or car.
Even in a rural area as mine my neighbours' house was broken into twice in the last 5 years and my car was broken into 3 years ago.
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