You should have told us you had guns in the house!?!?

Charles Johnson

New member
Last week my wife was talking to some friends of ours (I was not around). My wife used to baby sit our friends' 1 year old son. Before she started watching the baby, this couple asked us if we had baby-proofed our house. Since we have a little girl, we had already done so, so she answered that we had. Nothing more was said about that.

Well, the father mentioned we should get together sometime. So my wife told him that I frequently go to the range and he could maybe go with me. She also told him I had recently added a couple new rifles to my collection. He said that would probably be a lot of fun. But then, after a pause, he told her we should have told them we had guns in the house :mad:. He said they probably would not have let her watch the baby if they'd known that.

I'm glad I wasn't there at the time, because I may have spoken before thinking. Don't people realize that locked up guns are much safer than kitchen knives and household cleaners :confused:? I know about baby proofing. No measures taken to baby proof that I know of are as safe as a locked gun safe. Who locks up there windex and bleach? And who has combination locks on there kitchen drawers? I think its more likely that the baby will play with the TV power cord and get shocked than that he will climb up the closet shelves and unlock the gun safe.

Well, I'm going to take this guy (and maybe his wife) to the range after a good, thorough lecture on firearm safety, handling, and use. These are really good people and hopefully there common sense will win out over there hysterical fear of a simple tool.

By the way, I'm not going to mention what he said. I'll let the safety lesson speak for itself. And maybe I'll have them follow me to the locked gun cabinet and safe so they understand how careful responsible gun owners are. Hopefully we'll have a couple new converts by next week.


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Welcome to project ASK

an attempt by the MMM to demonize and "out" honest gun owners.


New member
My roomate applied for a nanny position, and we both had to answer a slew of questions from the agency first. They asked what job position I have, how much money I make, what race I was and how old I was. They didn't ask if I was a convicted child molestor, had drugs strewn about the place, or had any guns.