You might be a gun snob if...


New member
Somebody asks for advice about a gun problem, and instead of trying to help answer their question, your simply reply: "Buy a Sig or HK. Problem solved." :D

Your turn...


New member
You burst the bubble of a new member who is bragging about his first purchase...... a BRAND X. Regards 18DAI.


New member
A few month ago I did this same thread. Things got heated I said some things I should not have and the thread was closed. If it's in my post history you should check it out. Right on brother fight the power!


I've gotten some mixed reviews on my P99 .40, I don't care what people say, it works and is reliable. They wouldn't allow german police to carry these as issued weapons, would they?:D btw, I am american!:D


New member
If you think current HK prices are "reasonable". I'm donning my flamesuit for this one.:D Just an opinion, folks.

If you would be embarrassed to be seen shooting a Ruger.

If you think all "good" handguns come from Europe.

If you think any gun with polymer, MIM, or cast parts is "junk".


New member
If you think any gun except the one/ones you have is/are junk.

If you think any gun made in the last 50 years is junk.

And yes, it is possible to be a "reverse snob."

If you think any gun that costs more than $200 to $500 is "overpriced junk." (Depending on the degree of reverse snobbery.)


New member
One of my favorite even though i own a few 45's is " IF IT DOES'NT START WITH A 4 AND END WITH A 5 IT IS'NT ANY GOOD." LOL. That one kills me.



New member
"reverse snob."

I Like that one::)

You are a 'reverse snob' if you think the zenith of firearms design is your Yugo SKS with the Tapco stock -- anything more expensive has been purchased just for the 'NAME'.

(the above is from a real person, BTW):D


New member
A unarmed gun snob (with a $2000 full size Kimber sitting at home on his nightstand) would laugh at mugger for using a .22 Raven. "I'm not giving you my money, you can't kill anyone with such a pathetic gun, and a .22 is not a man stopper like a .45" the gun snob would say. BANG, BANG


New member
If you think that revolvers are "obsolete"

I like that one.

REAL ones from a person that I know:

You own more than one gun you're scared to shoot.
You own a gun more expensive than your car.
You own an auto that's never had the slide cycled since leaving the factory.
You own a revolver that's never had the hammer cocked.
If you say "I won't ruin my Colts by firing them, that's what Rugers are for."
You own one or more firearms you've never touched with your bare hands.
You beat yourself up for shooting a Colt for more than five years.
You won't buy a used gun because "Everyone thinks he's Elmer Kieth and I don't know what's been shot in it."
You reply to someone who has shot Cor Bon ammo in their modern gun by asking "Is the slide still attatched?"


New member
"If you think any gun except the one/ones you have is/are junk."
"If you think cost is directly related to function"

The two quotes above pretty much say's if for me.