You know you are hooked when


New member
You can't wait for warmer weather to test out your loads you worked up?
- 10 f. That's 10 below. I couldn't stand it. Had to go test. Shot 50 Rounds . All shot , Found the pet load and froze my but t off and had a blast.
It fun forsure

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New member
I'll play along on this one.

You know you are hooked when your favorite brand of brass is bucket brass.

You know you are hooked when you stop at every tire store you see trying to score wheel weights for casting lead.

You know you are hooked when it is 105 in the shade with humididty in the 65% area, and you are in the sun picking the range buckets clean.

MW surveyor

New member
Hooked? Yes

You know you're hooked when you haven't shot in over two months, just "need" to get to the range, shot all of your handloads, and refuse to shoot the "store bought" ammo. Wind up shooting the 22's because that's the only caliber that you don't reload. (True story)


New member
You know you're hooked when you start picking up brass for calibers you don't even own guns for, just on the chance that if you do get one you'll have brass to reload for it (BT/DT). Extra credit if you actually reload that brass before you have a gun for it (no, I'm not that bad - yet).


New member

You know your hooked when:

You stop in traffic to pick up a wheel weight

You "haveto" drive ya truck to the range because your gear,guns&ammo won`t fit in the trunk anymore

You have`nt ran out of ammo & the range closes before your "out"

You look forward to scrounging the trash cans

& my favorite !! all your friends know your a gun nut & reloading/casting junkie & they save ya "presents"

This happened to me once , was at a pigpickin & a copperhead crawled out from the fire pit wood & everyone jumped back & everybody there at almost the same time hollered "shoot em" at me !

You can`t pick a "favorite" firearm

You lose sleep over dirty or empty brass or even runnin low on ammo

You get kicked out of an indoor range for pickin up brass - - - twice

You forget your ears & use cig butts for plugs instead of callin the range session off


New member
You know your hooked when you belong to a reloading/shooting form.

True know your hooked if you put off buying a new home so you can get more reloading supplies and your new Open gun.:rolleyes:


New member
You know you're hooked when you're looking for your first house with your new wife and veto all the ones where, "There's no place to fit my reloading press and all my components." (Me)

You know you're hooked when you leave your brand new car out in the freezing rain and sleet so that you can use the garage to load a few hundred rounds for your range trip tomorrow (Uncle).


That'll Do

New member
I am DEFINITELY addicted!

You're hooked when:

• You pick up any and all brass on the ground, even if you don't (yet) load for that caliber.

• You cast for 3 calibers, but have 20 bullet molds.

• You have 20 different types of handgun powder and only load 5 calibers.

• You arrive 30 minutes to an hour before a gun show opens just so can get first pick of reloading components/equipment.


New member
You know you're hooked when you're looking for your first house with your new wife and veto all the ones where, "There's no place to fit my reloading press and all my components."

I just did this finally picked one after turning down 7 b/c of no space lol She just dosent understand why she can't park in the garage
I got a good chuckle out of the posts, when I was younger my want to was a lot more powerful than my can do now. I don't shoot near as much now that I am older but make no mistake I enjoyed the heck out of it and spent many a pleasant afternoon at the range!! Good shooting fellows! William


New member
You know you are hooked when you buy a rifle in a new-to-you caliber and then agonize for a while over ammo. Should you go ahead and buy some factory rounds so you can shoot the dang thing RIGHT NOW, or should you wait and get the components together and start rolling your own?

Then you decide to buy factory rounds so you can at least (1) see if it likes whatever weight of bullet the factory rounds use and (2) get some brass. But you almost get cold feet on the way to the register.

Rifle rounds is expensive.

Oh...and once I bought like 8 individual pieces of .44mag brass because I was that many shy of an even box of 50 (range pickup).



New member
Hahaha. Theirs some good ones . Go to the tire store looking for lead. He he
I bought a box of Winchester 30-30 rounds just the other day for 30 bucks just to see what it shoots like.
Y'all too funny. Today it's 30 below. And I'm not shooting in that.


You know you're hooked when you start picking up brass for calibers you don't even own guns for, just on the chance that if you do get one you'll have brass to reload for it (BT/DT). Extra credit if you actually reload that brass before you have a gun for it (no, I'm not that bad - yet).

Done that.....

You know you're hooked when you pick up .22lr brass because you heard there's a die to make .223 bullet jackets out of it..... and you don't even own a .223!


New member
You know you're hooked when you actually make a diligent effort to pay off your credit cards, then you see more reloading supplies you absolutely MUST have- resulting in your next credit card bills written in scientific notation.

serf 'rett

New member
Antidote Needed

… when you reload in your dreams. (last night)

… when yesterday you find excuse to make a “sales call” 40 miles away just so you can check for brass, etc. at a couple of small law enforcement ranges. The Take: 380 -2ea., 9mm – 19 ea., 40S&W – 25 ea., .45 – 3 ea., 223 – 6 ea., 270WIN – 1 ea., 30-06 – 1 ea., 300WIN Mag – 2 ea., 38Spec – 3 ea., 7.62x39 – 3 ea., 5 plastic “trays”...

But who’s counting….