You just can't make this up !

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Wild Bill Bucks

New member
BP is a company in Wilburton, Oklahoma. The employees of the company, have been feeding this buck for several years, and it was almost like a pet.
Someone poached the deer, and cut the head off, and left the carcass to rot.

The man then took a picture of it, and sent the picture to the game department, saying that he wanted them to know, since they don't know who he is, or where he lived, that he had poached the deer, and to catch them if they could.

If you will notice in the picture, a telephone pole in the background, has an ID plate on the pole. They looked up the pole location, and this idiot had taken the picture in his front yard.

They found the racks in the pick-up truck, in his attic along with an Owl and a elk rack, so he is now facing charges on 103 counts of poaching deer, 1 count of poaching an elk, and 1 count of poaching an owl.

This is the best I could find out about this story from the locals I talked to, but I think it is pretty accurate information.


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New member
Wow.....just wow....:eek:

A google search only turns this up on various boards. If anyone can find the news story, post a link.


New member
Great post.
Sounds like they are coming down heavy on this POS.

I know Georgia DNR would make an example of a hunk of crap like this person.


New member
Wait, so they guy who poached the deer actually taunted the game department by sending them a picture and challenging them to find him?! Did I read that right? I shouldn't be surprised by peoples' stupidity, but I still am.


New member
I shouldn't be surprised by peoples' stupidity, but I still am.

If you ever visited southeastern OKlahoma you would understand. Stupidity may have been invented there. :D

Jones and Brookshire, helped secure a 25-year prison sentence four years ago against former Latimer County Sheriff Melvin Holly, who was convicted of forcing three women prisoners to have sex with him, serving one moonshine and threatening the life of another.


New member
Holy s**t... What a moron! That first pic was a gorgeous animal. I hope he bred a few times before he got it. I hope this guy gets what he deserves.


New member
That was pathetic, nice deer that could have been sported. I'm glad they caught this guy. It doesn't surprise me, it sickens me though.


New member
There was a fellow who did the same thing around home years ago. He'd tie two deer heads together and leave them hanging by the side of the road as a "trademark."

They caught him too.

Never bet against stupid/arrogant. It wins every time.


New member
We had a similar incident happen up here near Asheville NC.
There was a deer whose mother had been killed. The little deer took up with a herd of dairy cattle.
The deer would stand out in the pasture all day and graze with the cattle. It slept with the herd of cattle at night.
Every day, cars would line up along the road to look at the "pet" deer, only 100 feet away.
This went on for a couple years. One day, a stupid hillbilly marched up to the fence with his 30-30 and shot the deer dead.
It was out of season, he didn't have a license anyway, and he was trespassing.
The bystanders, who were there to look at the deer, called 911.
When the cops arrived the hillbilly was dragging the deer to his truck.
So he got busted. Had to spend 2 weeks in the county jail.
He said in the paper, "My daddy taught me, when I see a deer, shoot him and take the meat home to feed my family, and I am doing what my daddy taught."

So, now I know why there aren't many deer around here.

Anyway, this case was so notorious, it made the Asheville papers.
The US Attorney read of the case, they pulled the guys file.
He had been convicted of murder 30 years earlier, had done 10 years, had completed probation.
There is a NC law, which I like, which says that a convicted felon, having completed his probation, may have one rifle, for hunting deer. No pistol though.
The feds said that US laws denies firearms to a felon.
They indicted this guy in federal court and he got 7 years in Leavenworth, Convicted Felon in Posession of a Firearm.

Uncle Buck

New member
I wonder what the maximum penalties he could face for doing this are? Unfortuantely, being stupid and in possession of a firearm is not a crime.
No, it isn't. In fact, we fully support it with the 2nd Amendment.

As for the OP comment about not making this stuff up, apparently people can. I have now found three different numbers of antler that were recovered from the attic posted on different sites. This site says a picture of the poached deer was posted on forum, recognized by somebody who had trailcam images of it, and then the poacher was tracked down, not that the poacher sent the picture to game officials.
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