you have GOT to see this.......


New member
He sure is fun to watch, isn't he? And that is a .45, not a .38 like Ed McGivern used. Wonder what Elmer Keith would say. CB.

The Tourist

darrentxs said:
Watch out for old guys with revolvers!

Just revolvers?

Fella, better watch us with revovlers, pistols, ice picks, playing cards, your daughters...

Things new to you, we learned decades ago.


New member
"Fella, better watch us with revovlers, pistols, ice picks, playing cards, your daughters...Things new to you, we learned decades ago."

I was just funnin' - You don't have to convince me - I'm sold! The more experienced members here make this forum worthwhile. I've learned alot and enjoy reading their posts in response to questions.

That being said, I bet I could whip yer backside in video games!


yeah, but that is SW's performance stuff, and the reload was a moon clip. If he had to use real world stuff that poor people have , I bet it would be different.

Id like to see him do that with my SW637, thing's trigger is so hard to pull !


New member
Sir, with all due respect. The Cajun gentleman just demonstrated what mere mortals like us can't even do with custom stuff. I've seen him shoot and reload in person, he is just superb. Oh! He's a real gentleman and he talks to us mere mortals like he's one of us. josh

Hammer It

New member
yeah, but that is SW's performance stuff, and the reload was a moon clip. If he had to use real world stuff that poor people have , I bet it would be different.

He is very Gifted and knows how to shoot very well. You can't take that away from him, and the revolver's he uses are offered through the P.C. shop to anyone that wants one. The Moon clips are available as well, and are cheap to Purchase, so I see nothing Trick about the equipmwnt he uses.;) He is no different than anyone else and still get's up in the Morning and Put's his pant's on just like the rest of us. Practice is what made him that good and if anyone was to practice as much as he has, could be just that good in time. Ed McGivern, Charles Call, and Ira Paine were all speed shooters from many Moon's past and they have sights all Named after them from this amazing speed and skill. I have often wondered why we do not have more spped shooters in today's world ? Hammer It

Jamie C.

New member
Practice is what made him that good and if anyone was to practice as much as he has, could be just that good in time.

I'll argue with this one just a little bit:

Some of us have a natural aptitude for some things, and don't require much in the way of practice to become very good at them. We'll become very, very good at them with little effort.

On the other hand, some of us seem to be cursed at some tasks, and can never get to be more than mediocre at them, no matter how hard we try, or how long we spend practicing. In other words, I believe there are some things that some of us are just never gonna do well, no matter how much effort and attention we devote to learning them.

Fortunately, most fall somewhere in the middle, and can learn to do about anything, given enough time and work.

So, my thinking is that even though practice is great, and can cure most ills, there's nothing like natural god-given talent to really get the job done and show folks how a thing is supposed to go. ;)



New member
Sir, with all due respect. The Cajun gentleman just demonstrated what mere mortals like us can't even do with custom stuff.

I've seen that before but it is impressive. I don't think I could dry fire any revolver that quick much less worry about hitting a target.

I'd love to see what he could do with my stock 637. On second thought, no I wouldn't want to see that at all.