You guys have no idea how lucky you are....


New member
to not live in New Jersey! So many of you can walk into a gun shop and walk out with a gun. Heres what i have to do in NJ to get a gun....

first, you have to go to your local police station and pick up 3 forms, fill em out and bring em back in duplicate, two are just permit applications and 1 is a release of mental health records. Make an appointment to bring in the forms. You have to pay $65 for them to do a background check plus 6 stamps so they can mail stuff to the state police. you need to get fingerprinted by the police. they mail out a questionaire about whether or not your fit to own a gun to 2 references you provide, PLUS one to your employer. (im a kindergarten teacher, so you can guess how thrilled my boss was to learn i was to buy a gun.) then on top of this, you need to pay $8 for your long gun permit, plus another 3 bucks for each pistol permit. and pistol permits expire after 90 days.

this is all supposed to take 30 days, by law. I applied for my permits in mid september and havent heard anything from the police. i called 3 times and they keep giving me cock and bull stories about why my permits arent in yet. its so frustrating because buying a gun illegally from a drug dealer is as easy as buying cigarettes. yet if you actually take the time and effort and expense to go through the process legally, they treat you like dirt just for wanting a gun to protect your family.

i really used to like living in new jersey.... now, not so much...

sorry, just wanted to vent


New member
yea, ive looked into getting a lawer, itl cost between 500 and 700 bucks, which is more than i wanted to spend on my first gun. there really is nothing else i can do other than shell out several hundred dollars for something i should have gotten for free

and no, cant buy guns in other states, you have to comply with the laws of the state in which you reside..

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
You can most likely file the necessary legal paperwork on your own if you care to do the research. I'm sure it's a pain in the butt, which is partially why attorneys get the money they do, but you might consider looking into it.

If it helps your pain any, NY is a bit of a pain too. We require 4 references in the same county that we live, along with all the fingerprints and paperwork. The fees range from $65 up to $150. On the bright-side, our permits don't expire either and adding a gun is much easier once we have the permit.


New member
the whole business is just such garbage... why should we have to work so hard for something we're supposed to be entited to? im all for background checks and all, but damn, its been like 23 weeks, are they sending my fingerprints to the FBI by pony express or what?


New member
Lots of room in AZ, walk in, 4473, 15 minute phone call, cash/credt, walk out with your hardware. On. Legally. Have a nice day.
Or stay and fight for your rights, but I don't know what your chances are until McDonald is decided.


New member
Same here for long guns or handguns. No permit, not waiting period. Just the phone call for the federal check. We used to have a handgun permit and waiting period thing, but it went away a few years ago. A prime example of a state government doing something right for a change. Very nice.

I have in-laws in New Jersey. The place is a police state. You folks can have it. It's a shame too, many folks don't realize how nice a good portion of New Jersey really is. Very scenic, nice beaches, nice pine woods. No respect for the Second Ammendment from the powers that be.


New member
There is a problem living in Ky too.

Walk in the gun store pick out the one you want, show them your CCDW, fill out a one page form, hand them the cash they hand you your new gun. Done it too many times over my lunch break...

Now the problem is not picking up the nice <fill in the blank> they just got in on trade to go with it.

And it is only going to get worse now that Buds is opening a new super store.



New member
I guess stepping out your back door and shooting isnt legal there? I am truely sorry citizens of ANY state has allowed it to get as bad as you described. And yes we can shoot out our back door as long as we arent endangering anyone and live outside the city limits and are 100 yards from another dwelling.
If the Supreme Court would just incorporate the second amendment, that could all go away. The words "...shall not infringe..." leave little room for argument after that. Try suggesting to someone that they fill out a form and get references before they are protected from illegal search and seizures; see how well that goes over.


New member
That's too bad you have to go through all of the. In Ohio you can walk in, phone call, pay, and leave with the gun. Also, you can buy long guns accross the state lines no problem.


Turns out every jurisdictions here is allowed to implement their own rules. In Columbus, you used to have to register in person in some city office before any dealer inside the city limits could sell you a gun. I'm still amazed that people buy guns there...