You guys are ruining it for me!


New member
I can't even watch a show anymore without:
  • Trying figure out what the characters are shooting,
  • Wondering why the characters have to rack the slide or pump the gun right at the time they need to shoot, instead of putting a round in the chamber BEFORE,
  • Looking at the hammer of that Baretta that I just heard cocked and noticing that it is fully forward,
  • Counting the bullets shot and asking when they reloaded that 6 shooter that just fired 48 rounds in a sustained gunfight,
  • Commenting to my wife about balistics and the unreal 'knock back' power that that .32 had against the 350 lb bad man,
  • Noticing that the 9mm submachine gun is dropping .223 brass,
  • Thinking how little kickback there was against that man's shoulder when he fired that .45-70 off hand,
  • and on it goes...

You guys are ruining it for me!



New member
Noticing that the 9mm submachine gun is dropping .223 brass,

ahh, that would be from The Matrix right? Lobby Shooting Spree Scene

What always comfused me about that scene also was, why would those idiots all be using their SPAS 12s in Pump mode?

Ya know, if you have that on DVD and go frame by frame when Neo gets shot by the 50 Desert Eagle, you can watch the blank cartridge eject out of the gun and another one load right in. It's pretty cool.


New member
Saw one the other night

Cop took a couple shots with a semi-automatic handgun. There was a 6 inch flame languishing on the end of the barrel after each shot. Looked like a huge zippo lighter. Sparks and all.


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
That's what he means, Gholam. In the lobby scene, they fire the Skorpions. There's a closeup of the gun, then a cut to a closeup of the floor next to the character's feet--where .223 brass is dropping and rolling all over. :p I'm guessing that would be a difficult gun to fire one-handed!

Phil Ca

New member
How many times have you seen this?: A cop or a bad guy carrying a semi-auto in say 9mm or .45 ACP are holding someone up and the hammer is down or else the guy works the slide just before making the entry or holding another guy up. Also the slide stays back after firing and the guy is covering someone with an inoperable pistol. I realize that some of these scenes are over in a second or two and a retake might cost a few bucks,but it galls me just the same.



New member
Look on the bright side.

After the best part of a decade in VFX/EFX/3D animation, I can't watch any film. Any!

Gh0d, even in Braveheart, I'm sat there trying to spot the seam where motorways/powerlines/Tornado fighters have been removed.

And finding it.


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Or when the guy holding the Glock makes a threat that is followed by the sound of a gun cocking. Right... He just Cocked a Glock. Okay then.
That's why I don't watch much TV anymore.
Kinda like why I don't go hunting anymore... I saw this guy out in the woods:


  • whyidonthunt.jpg
    16.8 KB · Views: 115


New member
It's not .223 btw, it's a Skorpion which chambers in .32 ACP and 9x18mm Makarov

They did make a version chambered in 9x19. They were made mainly for export between 1968 and the early 70's.

IIRC, the scene with the .223 brass hitting the deck resulted from bad editing - he was supposed to be shooting the M16's at the time; they just cut and pasted the scene into the wrong spot.


How many times have we a seen a character enter a scene holding a 1911, then show him holding a Glock from a different angle.

IIRC, I remember seeing this in Under Siege II, Seagal gives some dude a 1911, then they show him holding a Glock.

I think the gun wranglers do this as a joke on the actors, they know most are gun ignorant.
