You gotta see this (good laugh)

El Rojo

New member
LOL! I have seen that around here before, but I don't think it had audio last time. I wonder what the words he says right after firing translate to in English. One could only guess! Also watch the guy in the background. I think he is half laughing, half pissed about his window.


Actually, it doesn't matter what you put behind that gun.

The ballistics are very similar to the 50 BMG. Unfortunately UNLIKE most 50 BMG rifles, that rifle does not have a muzzle brake nor does it weigh upwards of 30 lbs...

What I absolutely can't understand is how they keep getting people to shoot the thing on video. I wouldn't touch it!


New member
What language is the man speaking? What is the form of dress the man is wearing? How does an inexperienced person get to shoot such a wonderful rifle?


New member
He's speaking Arabic. They're in the UAE where this guy built this 100yd tunnel and gets a kick out of finding idiots who will shoot his ridculous rifle.


New member
That is the funniest damn (sorry Art) thing I've seen in a long time!

I just can't decide which is funnier, the gun in recoil or the guy falling out from it.


New member
That website has some seriously hilarious vidoes of people shooting different firearms.

I wish I had the free time and resources they do!


New member
Think of this rifle next time some one poses the question "What to take on a hunting expedition to Jurassic Park?"

At least if you miss the Tyranosaur with the Tyranosaur, you won't care so much when he bites down. Ya might even be grateful the big guy stops the pain... :eek:


New member

Guy on another board offered this translation: "Wheelie Bopp?"

He was sufficiently intrigued to desire it as a sig line........:cool:


New member
IIRC the round and the rifle are designed for use as a guide gun...something to stop charging game. Yeah, I guess that'd work...the only trouble is you'd have ot have an orthopedic surgeon in your safari to put the guide's shoulder back in socket afterwards. :eek:

Also, many of these guys are supposedly experienced reloaders and gunsmith types. Thats the amazing thing. They know what they're doing and this puppy still sets them back. Go to their website and download a bunch of files. Quite funny.



Also, many of these guys are supposedly experienced reloaders and gunsmith types.

They are indeed experienced.

If you go to the site and look at the energy stats for that cartridge, it gets a little easier to understand.

At the top end, this rifle is dishing out over 11,000 ft/lbs of energy. That's a 750 grain bullet at about 2600fps.

For reference, 50 BMG energy figures are in the high 11,000 ft/lbs range witha 750 grain bullet around 2750fps.

As I mentioned earlier, 50 BMG rifles are generally equipped with very efficient muzzle brakes and often weigh more than 40lbs.

The rifle in the video is probably less than 14lbs and has no muzzle brake.

El Rojo

New member
Man those guys are cool. Go look at their rifle collection and pistol collection photos. Those guys have a lot of guns! A very interesting website. Their video section is currently down. It won't let me download any of their videos, I couldn't even save target location. Oh well.


New member
Someonce once posted that the energy transfer to the shooter from this particular rifle was equivalent to having it dropped from a 30' cliff directly onto your shoulder. :eek:

I have no idea if that is accurate, but I'm in no hurry to buy a ticket to the Middle East to find out. ;)



New member
Either it's dead, or you are.

"A Middle Eastern man as arrested today in the Gaza Strip when he fired on a passing Israeli tank. After firing his assault bolt-action rifle, he lay writhing on the ground uttering the name 'Willy Bob.' He has been submitted for psychiatric evaluation.

Meanwhile, the search continues for the mysterious 'Willy Bob.' Who is this man? Where does he live? Is he dangerous? Investigators searching the suspect's apartment found only this photo."


Bear Flare

New member
I keep getting a "page cannot be found" message when I try to download a video. Did we crash the server?

Bear Flare