You folks with Pachmayr 'Compac' on SP101's...


New member
I have a few questions which I was unable to answer by searching their site; so I thought I'd ask them here.

Is this grip-

One piece?

Mount in the same fashion as the OEM grip?

Mount solidly on the gun?

Wider or longer than OEM grip?

More or less prone to cling to clothing?

I pack a 2 1/8" SP101 in .357 pretty regularly in warm weather, and mostly shoot it with full-snort .357 loads. It's an excellent snub and plenty accurate with most loads; certaily viable to 25 yards or a bit further. I've shot bigbores for about 30 years and I don't find recoil with any .357 problematic. I do note that the factory grip tends to point a little high for me in 'yank & blast' shooting, and a filler behind the trigger guard cures this. The Compac seems to be a good compromise of good, established revolver grip qualities- and concealability.

Your observations based upon first-hand with this grip, on this gun, are requested. Any & all responses within those parameters are greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


New member
Hi, Invssgt.

Sorry to say I can't help you with the Pachmayer.
We do have 2 SP's, the wife's is the 2 1/8" and it wears Hogue tulipwood finger grooved.
I have fairly large hands and shooting 180 gr. fed. castcores through it is not a problem, easily controllable and fast pointing.

The Hogues seem a little larger than the Pac's and this may be an issue for carry but if you have not looked at them, give a peek.

Bob G.

New member
Sorry, I can't help you on those grips. I put Uncle Mike's boot grips on mine for two reasons, less likely to peek out of the top of my pants pocket and improves the recoil recovery for me. I've looked at the pachmyer compacts and like what I see, but I've not handled them yet. If you do get them, please report on your experience.


New member

One piece? Yes

Mount in the same fashion as the OEM grip? Yes

Mount solidly on the gun? Yes

Wider or longer than OEM grip? No

More or less prone to cling to clothing?About the same as OEM



New member
Thanks folks,

Some have suggested Hogue's and if this gun weren't being carried plainclothes everyday, that's what I'd buy. I'm sure they are great for just shooting (the elusive 'range gun'- something I probably wouldn't know if I saw one;) ) but I work in a courthouse and often the gun gets dropped in a pocket. The Hogues and the OEMs are prone to grab fabric so I have ruled them out.

Uncle Mike's 'Boot' grips- I think these would be perfect but they have been discontinued, and the Pachmayr is a workable substitute.

For those interested, I got a very good answer to these questions from "5Shot" over on the Ruger Revolver Forum, who writes:

I really like the Compac grip on an SP101.
It is a one piece grip and does in intall in the same way as the OE grip. It mounts solidly. It is about the same size as the OE grip but shaped differently and angled differently. I prefer its shape and angle to the OE grip. Although it is rubber and for me absorbs heavy .357 better than the OE grip, it does not cling to clothing at all.

I've shot my .357 SP101 a lot with the Compac grip and I think you will find it to your liking as well.

Hats off to you, 5Shot. He even tops it off with a nice pic of the grips, on his gun:

I believe my search for an aftermarket grip for this gun is now over. Thanks again, to all who participated.


New member
My SP-101 wore the Compacs before I got CTC grips. They are smaller than the stock grips and a bit less squishy. They absorb recoil better with stout loads than the stock grips, and I prefer them in every way.

However, I now have laser grips, which absorb no recoil and basically turn this gun into a .38. Nonetheless, I choose to go with the laser.


New member
Have 4" SS6 and using the..

grippers on it. Find it longer front-to-back and narrower side-to-side.
Gives me nice consistent grip. Not too bad inside my Bianchi ISW an old 6L.