You finally got to me.


New member
After hearing ,for a long time, how great Glocks are, I broke down and got one. I tried hard to resist at first but all of the Glock praise got to me. I got a Glock 30 with Trijicon Night sights and I plan on shooting it tomorrow(4th). Depending on how well it shoots I hope to use this as my carry piece.

Marko Kloos

New member
The Glock 30 is hard to beat as a carry package. 10+1 rounds in a compact, light and ultra-reliable pistol...there's not much to dislike.

Some folks don't like the Glock looks or the trigger system, but one thing is for sure: they work. Many Glock aficionados maintain that the G30 is probably the most accurate Glock of the lineup.


New member

Don't do it! Do not shoot that Glock! If you do you may like it and then you will be in a world of hurt because you will want another. You will start going to gun shops and handle (fondle?) all of the other Glocks as you try to decide which will be the next one. I can save you from this pain. Send your Glock 30 unfired to me ASAP! I will take care of the 30 for you because that's the kind of guy I am. ;)


New member
Congrats on your purchase. I am sure you will grow to love this little weapon. They are an excellent little weapon and IMHO the only way you could have done better would to have been bought the Glock 29 instead :D

Seriously though, excellent choice. Enjoy your time at the range.
Oh, and the trigger gets better with use! ;)

Shoot Strait,

"Love is what goes on between a man and a .45 that doesn't jam." - Alan Ladd


New member
Obiwan Knobe said it best:

"Beware the dark side, Luke. Beware the dark side..."

And then the bad guys killed him.

So it stands to reason that he probably was wrong.

Enjoy your tactical tupperware...

eger precision

New member
Please get some good leather,and practice drawing from concealment a couple thousand times before you carry the gun. The short grip can be a real sob to grab and control when scared.

You will find the g30 to be 100% reliable with just about any ammo.

Good Luck!