You Ever Notice?


New member
It seems like every time anyone asks an opinion of a rifle of any sort, someone always chimes in that an SKS would be a better solution. I know they are neat little rifles but give it a rest! The same thing applies to Glocks on the handgun forum and 870s on the shotgun forum some people are REALLY devoted to their favorite arms, huh?


New member
It depends upon what the solution is!? If you aren't really concerned with accuracy or a lot of hitting power and want a simple, cheap, durable weapon, you could do worse than an SKS. Had one for years, and lots of my friends still have one. Never talked to anyone who wore one out, but never believed the 7.62x39 was better than or equal to a 30-30 except where the range gets much past 200 yards, and even then, a good Winchester or Marlin shooter with a lot of experience could probably best an SKS.
Glocks might be the hot ticket, but I'll keep my government model just the same. Had one issued to me at the age of 17, and my current one has 70,000+ rounds and all I've ever worn out on it was 2 barrel bushings. Guess its what I'm used to. I will keep my 870 however. I suppose the Winchester pump is also durable and the BPS sure is sexy, but that wingmaster hasn't failed me-not once in 30 years, and thats good enough for me. I'm not in to modifying my weapons-they either work for me or they don't and I sell them.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I find that as ususal, I'm an in-betweener. If I find something that works for me, I'm not all that interested in trying every new dealie that comes down the pike. And, aesthetics is important, which is why I don't care much for AK stuff or Glocks. I don't see any point in knocking them; I just have other likes--and those "liked" critters work well.

As an old hot-rodder, though, there's no such thing as leaving a gun "box-stock". All a factory engine needs is balancing and porting and polishing; and of course the suspension needs some tweaking so it'll handle better. Same for guns: A bit of rebedding on a rifle, and a trigger-job on anything. A little tweak, here, somethin' else, there--and eventually it's like I want it.

Shucks, I even put a butt-pad on my Model 12, and that's messin' with perfection!

:), Art