You ever forget things?


New member
I do so when I was cleaning out the locker last week I found this box.

A little mouse pee on the box a little crud growing on the metal that should wipe off after a soaking and three numbered magazines.



New member
Yes, sort of forget how much I like some of my older guns and when I get them out I wonder why I’ve neglected them for so long. Bottom line there is only so much time/money for shooting and the older guns often get forgotten.


New member
Yeah, no.

I just find a broken old VCR, computer parts, and a remote to a TV I threw out years ago.

...that is totally awesome!


New member
I've never had the financial means to "lose" a gun.....but I have dreamt about finding them.......:) Zebulon


New member
Yeah, that happens to me all the time.
At least once a week.

About a year and a half ago, I knew I was going to move to here where I live now. In the mean time I downsized and didn't have anywhere to store my guns, reloading gear, and stuff from other hobbies. So, I moved all that stuff here, and it has been stored for a year and a half.

Fast forward to now. I am slowly working on unpacking my stuff and trying to figure out how to get all this stuff out of boxes and back into use.

At least once a week I start looking for something and in the process, uncover some really cool treasure. A couple days ago, I was looking for something and found two blackpowder revolvers wrapped up in a towel.


New member
Yea I forget things..

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This is the first gun I ever bought (hi standard double nine) but unlike most people I didn't actually give a crap about guns at the time(raised by an anti gun family, silly Japanese people:rolleyes:. I've come a long way lol). I just bought it to help a friend who was hurting for cash. 2 yrs later I went to a gun show, held a bunch of guns and fell in love with my beretta 92 fs at 1st sight. Brought her home cleaned her and was all proud of my first gun, then it hit me. This isn't my first gun, where the hell is my revolver!?:eek: found it in a box full of stuff I ended up throwing away. Boy am I glad I looked through it first
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David the Gnome

New member
I wonder sometimes how many guns have been accidentally thrown away. If you think about the number of times that someone has died and nobody knew they had a gun stowed away in a box or something like that, it has to have happened quite a bit over the years.

When I was a little kid I found a really old single-action revolver buried in the dirt under a tree on my grandpa's farm. It was almost completely rusted away by that point in time but the frame, barrel, and most of the cylinder were still there. I've always wondered how it got there and what its story was. As a kid I liked to think some cowboy had been fighting a bunch of Indians and he dropped it while resting under that old tree. At least that's what I told myself when I was a kid. :D


New member
Yes, I forget things....

but it is more along the lines of leaving the chronograph sitting on the bench once I was at the range and unpacking my gear. :eek:

That FN was a nice find. Congrats!


New member
Maybe I shouldn't tell that story.

Disregard, nothing to see here.
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New member
Not long ago I found a 97 Winchester trench gun hiding in my salvage pile. Fully marked with the handguard missing. I wound up trading it to a cowboy action shooter for the prettiest little mannlicher stocked Sako L46 I've ever seen. It had been rechambered from .222 to .223. The magazine is a little short, but it does just fine with the Sierra 55 gr. spritzer bullet #1360. We both traded something we didn't need for something we would definitely use.


New member
Just last week...

Was looking for my passport, which has been missing for almost two years, and found a Ruger Security-Six that has been missing longer than that.

(Strangely enough, I found the passport a couple of days later and miles away, also purely by accident; I was looking for something else again):eek:.

Glad to have them both back :).



New member
We all forget things once in a while and nothing to be concerned about unless your short term memory goes and you start repeating yourself.


New member
Once in a while we all forget or misplace stuff but unless you notice a problem with your short term memory and you or someone notices you are starting to repeat yourself it's nothing to worry about.

You can use it to your own advantage an hide your own Easter eggs.


New member
A buddy of mine managed to misplace a bolt to a Savage 15A that was given to me. I let him borrow it to take care of a ground hog, he decided to try and clean it and lost the spring inside the bolt. He brought it back to my house in a sandwich bag.. He doesn't know where he set that bag, but I still have the rifle. Very unfortunate. I hope that I find that bolt though..sooner than later.


New member
;) LOL

Well it's not the first time. Years ago I stored up two new unissued Enfield rifles and just two years past found them but the wrapping paper and slings had been ruined by rats. the rifles cleaned up well and today they value five times over what I paid. That worked out well. LOL Now if I could just find the keys to my bike that would be nice.
