You could do a lot worse...

than a my humble opinion.

I have been thinking about a truck gun for a long time. I have almost forgotten my trust old $299 sks.

I took it out of the gun cabinet tonight and fiddled with it for a while. I have several stripper clips. The gun is minute-of-pie plate at 100 yards with iron sights. It has the "oomph" of a 30-30 (or close to it), and I would not cry too hard if it were stolen. AND, ammunition is real cheap.

It can feed and cycle steel or brass with no problem, and it feeds Wolf hollow points with no problem. I have personally tested the hollow points on milk jugs, and, at least on milk jugs, it does a LOT more damage than solids.

In addition, with a fully loaded magazine, you can push the rounds down into the magazine a little further and ease the bolt down. This would let me carry a fully loaded magazine in the hatch of my SUV with the bolt down on an empty chamber. If 4-legged or 2-legged trouble arises, all I gotta do is ratch the action and I am ready to roll. Also, I can load up a bunch of stripper clips for easy access in the hatch.

My only concern is the possibility of slam fires with the SKS, but that can be an issue with my M1A as well (and I sure as Hell aint gonna store that for some thief to get hold of).

SO, I think I have decided to roll with the SKS. I wish I had thought of it a long time ago.

I know this is no epiphany. I am just thinking out loud here on the forum and wondering what my forum friends use for truck guns.

1911 in the glove box...SKS, Pardner Pump 12 gauge and cheap 22lr rifle in the hatch with extra ammo, jug of drinking water, some tools, a good pocketknife, a first aid kit, a lighter, and a clean hanky...what more could you need?


New member
I used to buy'm for $89 in the 80s. Ammo was .10 a round. I've owned 7 of'm over the years. They make excellent truck guns. About 1 in 6 of'm shoot real well. The others not so much. I've killed several WT Deer with'm. The Chinese hollow point ammo works great. I recommend changing out the rear sight for a peep sight. I have no clue who makes one now?


New member
1911 in the glove box...SKS, Pardner Pump 12 gauge and cheap 22lr rifle in the hatch with extra ammo, jug of drinking water, some tools, a good pocketknife, a first aid kit, a lighter, and a clean hanky...what more could you need?
TP and a box of granola bars... unless you plan on using the clean hanky on you backside. :p



New member
I love my Sks. I shoot it more then my AR. It doesn't shoot 1 moa but it shoots dead on in a real shtf situation. It eats crappy ammo, had never jammed on me, ftf, and it's rugged.


New member
not a fan

You like the SKS, than good for you. Everybody needs a beater and a loaner. And they were affordable back in the day, and so was the ammo, but I wouldn't give $300 bucks for one, ....ever. Heck, the new Ruger American and the Savage Axis are selling for about that, in real calibers and the rifles will shoot near MOA.

For me, they are too long, and too heavy for what they are portrayed to be.........carbines. Compare one to the US .30 Carbine M1 and its apparent. Or a M94. Course they were handier than a Nagant. No good way to mount a scope, if you want to either.

The SKS was a stopgap on the way to the AK . Which is what I'd save for if I wanted a beater in 7.62x39.


New member

Back when they were $150 they just couldn't be beat for a combination of quality and reliability (still may be true at $350 these days).

My SKS has always treated me well.