You can take only one box.

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New member
While watching The African Queen my wife noticed Kate Hepburn took a small box out to the boat as she was leaving her missionary house for the last time.

She asked me: If you had to quickly leave our house with a small box, what would you put in it?

My answer:
1. My Bible
2. My .38 revolver and ammo
3. Glasses for reading and distance
4. Razor and shaving cream
5. Toothbrush and new tube of paste
6. Camping radio, the kind you crank for power
7. Large and small knife
8. Shaker flashlight and Surefire with batteries
9. Bar of soap and bottle of shampoo
10. A few pictures of my wife and daughters
11. Water purification tablets
12. Bic lighter or matches
13. Ball of string

Now, your turn............................


New member
I find things like passports, ids, deeds and insurance policies are pretty important to take with you. Especially the insurance policies as they tend to disappear from the office after large disasters for some reason.

A decent survival kit. One of those in a little tin that can also be used as a signal mirror with handy little things like matches, pencil, paper, fire starting material, a small fishing kit, snare material and so on. They are just handy to have around.

A small fireaid kit, with medicine. With me it definaltly needs antihistimine in spring, for the summer it requires a little sun cream and antimosquito spray is nice.

I like to take a small water filter. Nowadays they are really compact and work just as well as iodine tablets while removing sediments and such.

I like a good knife or multitool. Useful for many purposes.

a flashlight. Probrobly one with an LED bulbs, small radio and extra batteries. Maybe even some walkie talkies to stay in contact.

Some food and water of course if your not going to have close access to them.

A copy of emergency plans, shelters for the area and so on is nice to have around.

Throw in a revolver in there just in case.

And rather than throw in a box I put them in a waterproof bag.

All that should fit in a fairly small space.

You could even throw in some extra clothing and so on especially in winter.

I wouldn't bother with a book on most occasions as its just extra weight, though I guess you could use it for tinder material.


New member
In the "what to have on you at all timesno matter how you're dressed" category :

  • Credit Card (high limit)
  • $100 in cash
  • Handgun
  • Multi-tool (Leatherman or similar)
  • Car keys
  • Identification
  • Cell Phone with camera
  • Emergency Contact Information

In the "what to have handy category"

  • Collapisible 10 liter water container
  • Water purification chem
  • Tarps - Blue, Green, and Silver (ask me why)
  • Rain poncho
  • Baling wire
  • Multi tool (larger)
  • Sewing kit
  • Rope
  • Binoculars / monocular
  • Webbing straps
  • Carabiners
  • Duct Tape
  • Bandanas
  • Plastic (garbage) bags
  • Parachute cord
  • Dental Floss
  • Zip Ties
  • Coat hangers (folded up wire)
  • Compass
  • Swiss Army Knife
  • Folding Saw
  • Wire Saw
  • Hatchet/Hammer combo
  • Signal Mirror
  • Candles
  • Safety Pins
  • Ski Cap
  • Gloves
  • Sunglasses
  • Hammock (small)
  • Whistle
  • Ziplock bags
  • Rubber bands
  • Money
  • Energy bars (rotate stock on these)
  • Hard candy (pure simple calories, lasts a LONG time)
  • Survival Blanket (the kind with a survival manual printed on it- what a cool idea!)
  • Quality matches in a waterproof container
  • Lighter
  • Firestarter tablets
  • Flashlight
  • Pen/pencil/notepad
  • GPS
  • Spare eyeglasses (if you wear them)
  • U.S. Interstate and your state map.
  • spare batteries (try to coordinate any battery operated items to all use the same type battery).
  • First Aid Kit (this deserves its own list)

I actually DO have all these things in a small backpack that I always have in my car. (Yes, I've given this some thought)

These are things that I always have. If I knew I was going to be on the move, I'd add my passport, and guns and ammo (and I don't mean the periodical!)

So, to answer your question, I actually DO carry these things, every time I leave the house.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Well, hey, this is interesting and everyone should give this some thought, in my opinion, but ... We can call this by any name we want, it is still a SHTF "scenario" topic, and is not really firearms related. Therefore ...

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