Yote Starter


New member
Here in SC we've had a growing Yote problem for a couple of years. This year its gotten pretty rough. 12 were taken at the club during deer season with a very personal 165BT Texas heart shot administered by myself. Whoooowee, talk about making a mess of a trash dog.

Anyway, our terrain is pretty thick with cutovers and planted pines, swamps, bogs and Carolina Bays. We do have some recently logged areas that allow for distance shooting as well.

We also have a pig problem with "Operation Hog Slaughter" getting ready to be kicked into high gear. 36 was the Deer Season tally but we've only begun to fight.

What's the best method to attract the Yotes into the killing ground? Pig carcass? Soured corn mash? Predator calls? Most shots we'll get are in the 100yd range unless we can come up with a way to lure them into the logged areas.


New member
Predator calls work well. If you combine that with rank smelly meat or a rotting carcass I would like you have tons of coyotes coming you way. In the spring coyotes will be giving birth to pups so if you can get a "pup in distress" call you will have every coyote within earshot checking you out.


New member
Rig up a lure about 20 yds inside the clearcut on the side you think they will be comming from and then use a call to attract them to the lure. You can sit on the opposite side of the clearcut to call from. The lure can be as simple as a short-flexible pole (think fishing rod tip) with a squirrel tail tied to it to flap in the breeze. You just want something for them to focus on when they respond to the call.


New member
Get you a MOJO Critter. A battery operated decoy.
It works wonders!

Get a cottontail distress call from your local sorting goods store. And while your there pick up some coon urine.

Get fully camoed & find a nice spot that has coyote signs. (tracks, trails, scat & carcuses remains or bones)
Take a seat against a back ground, a tree, shrub or hill side will do fine. Anything to break up your outline.

If you can't get a decoy or don't want to spend the $40 get a larg bird feather & attach a piece of thread.
Either attach it to a small stick you cut and stick in the ground or hang it from a limb.
You want to sit downwind & 30 to 60 yrds away from the decoy depending on your gun of choice.
The coyote has the best nose in the woods. If your scent cone hits it, it will detect your presence.
I have seen them detect human at 500yrds out % turn and run like they were shot at.

So you are ready.
Camo, gun, decoy, wind and a nice place to sit overlooking a nice opening.

Spray or pour a little coon urine on the ground next to where you are gonna sit. Wipe your feet in it & go place your decoy of choice.

By this time, you should have looked up "Bucking the Odds".
It is a predator hunting web site devoted to the spread of knowledge.
They have some great videos that will show you what the call should sound like.
Practice before you go so you have it down.

Start off with some low waaaaaaa-waaaaaaaa type sounds.
Almost like the sound of a baby crying. Make this first call sequence last about 30 seconds.
Lower the call & ready your gun & DO NOT MOVE.
(you don't have to put it to your shoulder but have it to where you can shoot with minimal movement)
If the decoy does its job, it will capture an approaching coyote's attention.
This will allow you to move very slowly & deliberately. If you must look from side to side, do so with just your eyes.
After the 1st sequence wait about 5-7 minutes.
Coyotes can hear a mouse squeak from 300 yrds away in the right conditions. Give them time to get there.
If they see the decoy and hear you blowing the call the gig is up.
They are know for coming to the edge of cover & looking for the dying animal.
After the 5-7 min wait, blow the call again.
This time build up the emotion a bit. Sound like you are hurting. Sound like you are dying.
Get a bit louder also.
Then follow that by another 5-7 min pause.
Depending on the location you can sit from 20 to 45 minutes and then try another spot.
If you have bobcats in your area the longer you wait the better chance you have to call in one.

This and a bit of patience will have you droping yotes here & there.
BUT, heed my warning, it can become addictive!!

Then all you will need to do is post you pics of you & your hunts!!




Any questions feel free to send a pm.

Hope this helps!
Good luck!
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