Yet the myth of people "just snapping" continues...


New member
For the first couple days all we have heard is how the IL Valentine's Day shooter was a model student and "Just Snapped."

Anyone who knows anything about these rampage shooters knows they do NOT just snap. Their actions are the end game of a history of abnormal behaviour which has long been considered troublesome.

With that in mind it is no surprise more details have come out about the IL shooter. (I do not use his name because that is exactly why he did it. We pay these people for their murders by making them famous. Do not use their names. Do not post their pictures).,2933,330907,00.html

A former employee at a Chicago psychiatric treatment center said Kazmierczak's parents placed him there after high school. She said he used to cut himself, and had resisted taking his medications.

He had a short-lived stint as a prison guard that ended abruptly when he didn't show up for work. He also was in the Army for about six months in 2001-02, but he told a friend he'd gotten a psychological discharge.

Exactly what set Kazmierczak off — and why he picked his former university and that particular lecture hall — remained a mystery.


University Police Chief Donald Grady said Friday that Kazmierczak had become erratic in the past two weeks after he stopped taking his medication.

Kazmierczak spent more than a year at the Thresholds-Mary Hill House in the late 1990s, former house manager Louise Gbadamashi told The Associated Press. His parents placed him there after high school because he had become unruly, she said.

Gbadamashi said she couldn't remember any instances of him being violent.

"He never wanted to identify with being mentally ill," she said. "That was part of the problem."

Yep, out of the blue...


New member
(I do not use his name because that is exactly why he did it. We pay these people for their murders by making them famous. Do not use their names. Do not post their pictures).

thank you!

i cant believe the way these people get turned into celebrities.

if i here another promo on the news like....

"we show you home video of the shooter!"

"get to hear the shooters voice!" gonna snap.

as much as i hate hearing about britney,this is sooo much about the victims,talk about what happened...but dont glorify these P('s)OS!

anyone ever think that the reason alot of them probably do it is because they know its the only way they can ever be famous?


New member
I suggest we start referring to them as "that worthless, looney-tune, POS". Actually, with a little thought we could probably come up with something even more demeaning.

Actually, I wish we could find out what these POS's are most ashamed of in their lives and use that to describe them.

ETA if the guy is a closet homo and embarrassed and ashamed of it, that is how he should be described. If he is ashamed of the fact that he couldn't get into med school, then keep bringing up the fact that it's a good thing he couldn't get into med school because he probably would have hurt his patients more than he helped. If this particular POS was kicked out of the military, maybe the headlines should be "Loser was so looney that the military wouldn't even use him for target practice."

Make sure that the looney's know that their innermost secrets will be broadcast in derisive terms and great detail and that people will speculate that they were impotent.


New member
I don't know what they are ashamed of but it seems they want to be made "famous" by the week of 24 hour news coverage they will receive. I know reporters have to report but replaying the same story over and over has to plant some seeds in some already twisted mind. There has to be a better way.

Lawyer Daggit

New member
Musketeer, I agree entirely with your practice of not mentioning the name of perpetrators of this type of attrocity.

If media groups wanted to reduce their incidence they would report them in an un emotional low key fashion ( not head lines) and without mentioning the name of the perpetrator.

I am sure we would see fewer and fewer incidences of this if this was to occur.


New member
I really do believe the news coverage perpetuates the actions. It happens every time. One bone head does it and in a few weeks it happens again, again, and again.

Just another chance for them to push the agenda!

It always seem to come in strings of three? :(