yet another youtube video


New member
i bet his parents regret giving him an erector set for christmas when they found holes in the walls the next week:D:D.
Nice, but what is that SMG chambered for?

8mm Kurtz, maybe?

Here is the guy's description of the ammunition, but I have no idea what he is talking about:
This weapon shots amalgamation munitions makes for funnel ,blank cartridge (side igniter) and bullet.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
If you click on the link titled "More from this user" to the right of the viewer, you will see that there are five total clips posted by YouTube member focusofdarkness.

I wouldn't give this person very good odds on avoiding a visit from the authorities, no matter what his citizenship. That possibility notwithstanding, I don't give his fingers much chance of staying intact either. 'Just seems like a risky business he's got going there.


New member
ahhh so the ammo is actually those .22 blanks used for nail guns stuffed into a bigger cartridge, clever...its technical a rim fire.

Anyone know if this is legal in Poland? I am assuming it is if he is putting all of it on you tube.
Frank De Haas wrote on how to make your own single shot rifle using plate steel. A number of people have done it over the years and have found it to work very well.
A blowback SMG made out of massive steel slabs firing what is essentially a .22 rimfire round does not seem like much or a safety hazard to me. That thing looks like it was made in the finest eastern-euro tradition... big, strong, and heavy.

With that being said, I would still not want to be the first to pull the trigger, but I don't think that block of metal is in any danger of kabooming.


New member
Goes to prove ;) No matter HOW many gun control laws people will always find some way to kill each other.

But that is NEAT....:D


New member
Goes to prove No matter HOW many gun control laws people will always find some way to kill each other.
Ye-gads you sound like one of "them". Such infantile eruptions are disturbing since gun control laws have nothing to do with killing people it's all about control.
And people were massacring each other long before guns were invented.

These videos simply prove that the genie is out of the bottle. If all of the governments were to confiscate all of the guns there would still be guns being produced.

This guy is building selective fire, full auto firearms with electric hand tools.
And they seem to function safely and somewhat reliably.
If he can do this with limited materials and tools just think what he could do with a proper machine shop and good materials?
As long as he isn't using them to commit other crimes then he should be applauded for his ingenuity.
Who knows he may be the next Kalisnikov?
Or even the next Gaston.


New member
These videos simply prove that the genie is out of the bottle. If all of the governments were to confiscate all of the guns there would still be guns being produced.

Thats what I was getting at... And the gun-control platforms ARE that "Guns are bad because they kill people"... I don't agree with it but I am saying if you look at it from their stance this is contradictory to what they say. That if guns are outlawed it will halt the danger (lessen).

I DO applaude him. He did a good job of building it... It shows skill with not only building guns but other objects if he wishses.
That SMG should be a ticket to a job at a firearms company, but these days he will probably be regarded as an ordinary criminal.

This guy better hope that he meets a sympathetic gunmaker before he meets the cops. Unfortunately, I doubt that will happen.