Yet another new tactic of the Antis


New member
Here in northern Ohio it has been deemed politically incorrect for county governments to allow gun shows. Late last year after the Littleton incident, Cuyahoga county (Cleveland area) commissioners tried to stop a scheduled gun show at the county fairgrounds. They were shocked that they had to honor their existing contract with the gun show promoter for holding two more gun shows that year.

This being a new year and all, the county commissioners have placed a moratorium on holding any further gun shows at the county fairgrounds. Now we are hearing that the same thing is being discussed in adjoining counties (Summit and Medina). We have even heard that the city of Cleveland plans on shutting down the Ohio Gun Collectors Association's 'members only' show at our local exposition facility (the IX Center).

Do you see the beauty of this plan? They can't prohibit gun shows, but they can eliminate the use of the facilities where the larger shows are held.


New member
Sometimes it seems a little hopeless. I often feel like all we can do is stop, delay, or compromise on the loss of our gun rights. I wish there was a way to regain the rights we have lost, and I wish that public opinion was not being so craftily molded with our own tax dollars.

Anyone got an answer, short of the one we really don't want to think about :confused:, or are we doomed to become the non-sovereign North American chapter of the United Nations?


"Is your church BATF approved?"

Jeff Thomas

New member
Cougar, welcome to TFL.

Although I don't like litigation, we need to pursue a lot of this foolishness from a civil rights standpoint. If the anti-self defense movement is going to attempt to smother this civil right in such ways, then we need to attack based upon restriction of those civil rights. Sort of a restraint of trade argument. Any TFL attorneys out there who can shed some light on possible responses?


New member
Same thing happened here in Austin, TX aka Moscow on the Colorado. we used to have gunshows maybe 2-3 per year at the Travis County expo center I think. The county decided that they did not want gun shows there so they either changed the contract or raised the price to where it was unporfitable. Dont quite know the details. The promoters found a private rental place and now we have a show every month withou tthe county getting squat in rental fees. Kind of backfired dont you think???

If stupidity hurt, liberals would be walking around in agony.


New member
The Austin gun shows were held in City Colliseum, and the small building near it. Ammo was not permitted inside the building, but you could purchase it (dealers had carboard signs listing prices and types) and then upon leaving the show, pick it up in the parking lot. AFAIK the Municipal govt became more and more hostile towards the show's promoters and the dealers who sold there. I heard stories of police harassment, though never personally saw any (while attending THOSE shows) which caused some dealers to pack up and never return.
It amazes me that our council would rather let the property go unused rather than allow legal firearms sales.
We now have our "gunshow" at the Crockett Convention Center (old Best building Hwy 290) the 3rd weekend of every month, one this weekend BTW. It is private property and the city can't do anything about it.
The quality of the shows has deteriorated, but at least we still have them.

[This message has been edited by Phillip (edited February 18, 2000).]


New member
Peace Cougar & Longshot,

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Longshot:
Sometimes it seems a little hopeless. I often feel like all we can do is stop, delay, or compromise on the loss of our gun rights. I wish there was a way to regain the rights we have lost, and I wish that public opinion was not being so craftily molded with our own tax dollars.[/quote]

There is something you can do. Support local officials who defend your RKBA. If no one is running who is pro-2A, run yourself! This is supposed to be a government OF, by, and for THE PEOPLE.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Anyone got an answer, short of the one we really don't want to think about :confused:, or are we doomed to become the non-sovereign North American chapter of the United Nations?

I have an answer for Cougar: vote for Ron Dixon. He is a gun show promoter who decided to run for Senate in Ohio after they started this silly, anti-gunshow #$%&*.

We are only doomed it we give up. If it was as bad as some contend, we wouldn't be here discussing how bad it is.

James R. McClure Jr.
Sir Knight of Columbus
Democrat candidate for Indiana's Ninth congressional district


New member
My wife and I went to a gun show yesterday (Sunday) that is being threatened with closure by the local politicians. To their credit, the Mayor and City Council members of Medina, OH actally went to the show. I think that they were surprised based on some of their comments...

1. Gun show people are polite. Both vendors and attendees were polite and curteous negotiating the aisles. Questions were answered without 'copping an attitude.'
2. Surprise, surprise! There were no 'illegal' sales. All FFL dealers were requiring 4473s and NICS.
3. Yes there were some private sales, but they were outnumbered by 100:1.
4. Yes, there was 'military goods' for sale, but it was all surplus stuff. The same goods you find in thrift shops or other surplus stores.
5. These same surplus vendors were upstanding local merchants, and would be hurt if they didn't have this venue for sales.

I give these politicians credit for taking the time to do some researh on an issue instead of believing the anti-gun media hype. I salute you!