Yet Another Letter to the California Public Safety Committee

This is getting even better - Angel Shamaya's letter to these birds is even blunter than David Codrea's:

Assembly Public Safety Committee Members
Carl Washington, Chair 916-319 2152; Jay La Suer, Vice Chair 916-319 2177; Richard L. Dickerson 916-319 2102; Fred Keeley 916-319 2127; Gil Cedillo 916-319 2146; Manny Diaz 916-319 2123; Jackie Goldberg 916-319 2145

Angel Shamaya
Founder/Executive Director
Many members in California

RE: AB2222, Proposed Ban on .50 Caliber Target Rifles

April 14, 2002

Dear Mr. Washington, Mr. La Suer and Committee Members,

Though it's hard to fathom, rumor has it you are going to consider FACTS regarding AB2222 -- the proposed ban of the .50 caliber target rifle. Six (6) stark facts have been presented, by me, to Chairman Washington. If he does his job, he will share them with you when you confer on this outrageous bill, and if you are intellectually honest, you will work to kill this bill. Meanwhile, I'd now like to talk to you about your own personal interest in killing this bill.

Be advised that I'm going to be frank and cut to the chase -- I'm not the NRA.

The Second Amendment is not about duck hunting, and gun bans like this are boxing good, decent people into corners that could eventually lead to assassinations of the people who make them happen. That's not a threat -- I don't live in your socialist Criminal Empowerment Zone of a once-decent state -- it's a PREDICTION based on three things:


The American Revolution began with gun prohibitionists coming to pick people's guns up in Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. Those British tyrants -- much like Senator Don Perata and Assemblyman Koretz, AB2222's Chief Mastermind -- made a fatal mistake by thinking that Americans would continue to follow the traintracks to tyranny's pits. The rest is indeed history -- a bloody, painful delivering history -- and history does indeed repeat itself.


Your Governor is on record with a blatant lie, saying the Second Amendment doesn't mean what it says. He's hedged his bet that the Supreme Court won't rule any time soon in favor of the truth, or he's so emboldened by legislative Rights Thieves and dumbed down, history-ignorant dolts that he just doesn't care that he's lying through his teeth. And your deceitful black-robed phonies in what some people call a "Supreme" Court have backed him up, their oaths amounting to so much toilet paper. So a gun owner in California cannot expect the courts, the police, or your legislature to stop the assault on his rights. That doesn't leave many options, but it does leave people thinking a lot about history, liberty, freedom, and war. These are natural thoughts for California gun owners to have at this time in the state's evolution. It's unfortunate, but that's just where you're at now. I don't mind being the bearer of that bad news, because I genuinely believe that the truth sets you free -- and you who are hearing a bill that bans yet more guns are well-advised to get with the truth.


Unbeknownst to many liberal-minded, bodyguarded communists living in California's upper class gated communities, the commoners among you are getting restless. And righteously pissed off. More every day. They've put up with a mountain of unconstitutional, un-American, illegal gun prohibitions, restrictions and prior restraints to the point of believing, in many cases, that their lack of legal recourse and the ongoing onslaught of anti-gun oppression will one day, maybe soon, turn them, by self-defensive necessity, into modern-day Redcoat Exterminators. Waiting periods for people who need a gun for self-defense because they are being stalked. Limits on handgun purchases that prohibit full enjoyment of the shooting sports. Registration of a constitutional right. Bans on guns because of their appearances. Bans on magazines that hold enough cartridges to fight off a team of home invaders as now frequent your state. Handgun "drop-test" requirements that removed some favored guns from the marketplace of lawful gun owners. And coming soon, competency requirement for handgun purchase -- to exercise a natural and constitutionally-protected right.

If you think gun owners are going to continue laying on their backs for this treasonous tyranny, you are living in a dream world. Going after a sporting rifle with which no crime has been committed, under a court system that offers no legal recourse, pretty much means there is no stopping the legislatures, or the police, but by force. Have you checked how many gun owners there are in your state? They outnumber pinstriped gun prohibitionists mightily, and their ire is truly justified -- and mounting.

If I was living in your state and I owned a .50 caliber rifle, I'd be thinking about revolting. Because if you banned my gun -- a gun that hasn't been used in crime, isn't used in crime, and poses no threat -- and threatened me with prison for merely possessing it, my desire to stay out of prison would trump my respect for the life of anyone who sought to put me there. And you've already banned numerous guns and are seeing widespread civil disobedience of these gun bans, too. There are many clues contained in that piece of information -- if indeed facts matter to you and yours.

If you are wise, you will go out and purchase a copy of a book called Unintended Consequences by John Ross. His book labors to show you where gun prohibition could and possibly will eventually lead this nation. Though written as a novel, I consider it a warning to anyone who'd say "yes" to a gun ban -- a prediction for the demise of anti-gun legis-criminals who should have kept their oaths and respected the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

AB2222 is a slap in the face of every single lawful, decent, longsuffering California gun owner who owns one. It's also a wake-up call -- and a call to arms -- for the millions of gun owners who don't. Because if you'll go after a gun that hasn't been used in a crime, you'll go after all of them -- and you won't get them all without a lot of people being killed.

Predictions based on Reality, while alarming, should be heeded. Ignoring the honest, heartfelt and repetitive pleas of lawful, decent gun owners is not only ill-advised, it's foolish. Decent gun owners do not want to have to defend their rights -- gun bans, ultimately, leave little alternative when such legislation is carried to its logical conclusion. The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been infringed enough. I pray you seek deep understanding of this fact at once.

Angel Shamaya


Staff Emeritus
(The following is my personal opinion and, probably, mine alone.)

Okay, now let's have the hand-wringing, advocates of one-sided, losing compromises step in, pick Angel's letter apart line by line, and tell us how horrible this is, how it hurts our "image," and may "set back" our attempts to win some minor advancement in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms which never should have been infringed in the first place.

After all, more states are obtaining the "privilege" of concealed carry! All you have to do is register, supplicate for permission, pay the King his fee, have him investigate every aspect of your personal life, be fingerprinted and, eventually, maybe, if you're "acceptable" to the King's men, be permitted to register your firearms (in some states), so you can carry your handgun anywhere you want--except for government buildings, anywhere government people may sometimes work, speak or visit; racetracks and polling places; places where alcohol is served, sold or consumed; hospitals or churches; schools or any place there may be a school-related activity; public or political gatherings or meetings; fire department or EMS meetings (government, you know); sporting events; public transportation or the terminals and parking facilities thereof; etc., etc., etc.

Yes, I know this is a right... er, privilege that we previously did not have. Yes, I know the laws are different for each state governed by the King's Royal Constitution. But there is something the RKBA apologists should consider.

The struggle to restore Constitutional Law in America is a movement of which the struggle to restore our Right to Keep and Bear Arms is merely a major and highly visible part. Whether or not you agree with Angel Shamaya, we need him. We need his outspoken defense of the Natural Rights we have slovenly given away to our rulers. We also need the apologists, the "compromisers" and advocates of "reasonable, common sense, viable, achievable" baby steps to restore our Rights.

What we don't need is to fight among ourselves.

A movement requires many voices (per Colin Powell) and every angry voice induces our rulers to pay more attention to the calmer voices for our cause. Therefore, we need to support every voice which supports our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Personally, I think Angel's letter is a bit too threatening for my blood. Frankly, rather than believing I am more "reasonable," I contemplate how much he sounds like a modern Patrick Henry and must conclude that lesser efforts to restore our RKBA are motivated less by reason than cowardice.

Well done, Angel.

Brett Bellmore

New member
No hand-wringing; I agree with the letter. I'd simply point out that such letters aren't going to change any minds, and certainly not for the better. These people KNOW that eventually they're going to provoke a revolt; Why else do you suppose they want to disarm us??? It's a pre-emptive strike in the civil war to come, an effort to defeat their opponents before the war starts.

Their attitude towards revolution is, "Bring it on!".


Staff Emeritus

For the most part, I agree with you. However, I would hope efforts such as Angel's would:
- Cause divisions (and weaknesses) in the elitist class who suck up our resources for personal gain. They are, after all, cowards. They are only brave with our children's lives.
- Publicize the problem of unconstitutional law and educate and awaken greater numbers of Americans.
- Generate support for restoration of Constitutional Law; and
- (Perhaps only in my fondest imagination) restore the American Dream of Liberty and Freedom in a republic.

I, for one, am more active than before I joined TFL. Furthermore, I am becoming more militant as I discover the travesties of those who would rule us. It is not (yet) time to water the tree of Liberty with the blood of patriots. However, it is time to shake the tree to remind petty tyrants that patriots are on to the tyrants' games. ;)

(Grumble) Getting us out of that ramafratzin' United Nations would be a good start. But I have small hope in that regard.