Yet another LCP range report......


New member
Finally made it to the range today with my LCP. I had only one complaint..............I didn't bring enough ammo.

I fired 107 rounds total, which was all that I had in my range bag. I walked out of the house and forgot a whole 100 round brick of WWB FMJ. Didn't realize until I got to the range that I'd left it behind. So I made do with what I had.

Breakdown of ammo fired:
70 rnds WWB
18 rnds Fiochhi JHP
6 rounds Speer GDHP
6 rounds Fed. Hydrashock
7 rounds PMC Eldorado Starfire

total failures...........0

Testing protocol:

Used 8" paper plates with shoot n c dots as aiming points. All shots fired two hand standing except where noted.

First test 5 yds. 19 rounds fired WWB. Firing as fast as sights resettled on target. 19 rounds accounted for on target:


2nd test 7 yds, 24 rounds fired WWB. 23 rounds accounted for. Again firing as fast as sights could resettle on target.


3rd test 10 yds. SLOW FIRE. 12 rounds fired WWB, 12 rounds accounted for, called flier low left, slapped the trigger on that shot.


4th test 15 yds. (Yes I know we're getting into the realm of the ridiculous with a pocket pistol, but hey I wanna know what it'll do out here) 6 rounds fired WWB, 6 rounds accounted for on target.


5th test 25yds. (really into the realm of ridiculousness now, but still I wanna know). At this range I leaned against the vertical post holding up the shelter. 6 rounds fired, 4 accounted for on target. other two rounds found in wood to left of target 1.5 in and 2 in away from target edge respectively.


6th test 7 yds, JHP function test. I really tried my best here to get the LCP to fail. I staggered JHP and FMJ. I staggered different types of JHP's. I fired it sideways gangsta style. I fired it using only my trigger finger and thumb (in other words using no grip at all!). I turned it upside down and fired it. I could not get it to jam. 38 rounds of mixed ammo fired, 34 accounted for on target.


Overall, I have to say I am pleased. I did my best to get this gun to fail, it did not. It was very easy to shoot, recoil was brisk but manageable. After 107 rounds I was ready for 107 more, but was out of ammo.

It disappears in my pocket in a cheap double triple pocket holster (gonna look for a desantis superfly soon.)


New member
looks good, I fired my friends .380 Kel-tec and could hardly hit the target with it but since I never fired a pocket pistol before that and have big hands I can't really blame the gun.


New member
Good report. So, based on your gun's performance, we may conclude the little Ruger is reliable with a wide variety of ammunition, is as accurate as it needs to be, and is quite manageable under rapid fire exercises. I also gather it does not beat up on one's fingers, knuckles, etc. What more can one ask for in a pocket pistol? Give us a follow up report at around 500 rounds. Thanks!


New member
I also gather it does not beat up on one's fingers, knuckles, etc.

Having shot Seecamps and NAA's I can definitely attest to this. The LCP is VERY comfortable for this size gun. After putting it through it's paces my hand felt well enough to move to the SP101 and full power 125 gr. .357's :D.


New member
One thing I failed to mention in my report is that this gun tends to shoot high at longer ranges. I expect that's a function of the recoil in such a lightweight gun. It did not bother me at all at 5/7/10 yds, though you can see in the photos that the group centers were steadily creeping upward. Those targets were shot with sights centered on the target dot.

When I got to the 15 yd target the first two shots (near the top of the paper plate) were shot using a centered on the dot hold. I adjusted to a 6 o'clock hold on the bottom of the paper plate for the other 4 rounds. You can see how they are clustered lower.

When I got to the 25 yd target I was holding at the bottom of the plate and the shots were high and slightly left. But, as I said in the report, who is really gonna be target shooting at 25 yds with this gun??

Good to know though that I could make a COM hit at that range if I had to.

Boris Bush


I agree, but from what I have heard and seen the two are like exact twins when it comes to performance and price with the KT having an edge in they are easier (barely) to get. More style is good, but what good if it stays hidden in the pocket all day? OTOH, people have held both side by side and liked the feel of the Ruger better, then by all means someone who feels more comfortable with one model over the other, will certainly shoot it better. As for me, I like the 32 better. I shot my brothers P3AT (alot) and it was nice, but is the 380 that much more "powerful" than a 32 in that size that the one less round is a good pay off? Not for me. To be honest I would probably get a Ruger P32, I just have no need for the 380....................
My point was that it is too tiny for my hands and barely get one finger on the grip + one finger on the trigger. I know its supposed to be that way, just saying. Guess I got big hands......... :D