Yet another anti gun internet poll.


New member
Q. Should semiautomatic handguns be banned ?


WyldOne wasn't there when I started typing.:)


Moderator Emeritus
Ah, democracy.

Answerer of many thorny questions on civil rights. Just put your question to a vote! Majority vote wins.

Should "witches" be burned? Should white folk be able to own black folk? What should we do about those pesky redskins? Should we round up the juden?

Yup, majority rule: Solving mankind's problems since Og and Zog stole Thurg's woman and mammoth jerky.

Kentucky Rifle

New member

Go to the linked site.
Wait until it loads.
click down into the gray area amd then click on the first blank spot.

A new page comes up with the poll at the bottom.

Sheesh, they haven't made this one easy. What a dumb question. "Should semi-auto pistols be banned"? With their last ban causing so much extra crime it looks like a light bulb would go off in SOMEONE'S head!
