Yeah... I think he would... Right.

another okie

New member
He'd better check with the boss first. Like most leftists, she is virulently anti-Israel, though she' s trying to conceal it since she now represents New York.

This description of Clinton's wiggles is pure spin:

"Clinton, who opposed the Vietnam War, signed up for the ROTC to avoid immediate induction when he received a draft call in 1969."
"He later changed his mind about the ROTC and decided to take his chances with the new draft lottery."

It fails to note that he promised to go to ROTC and got his notice squashed, then failed to ever report to ROTC or to tell his draft board that he had failed to report to ROTC, which would have put his name back in for the draft. In short, he lied and broke his word to stay out of service. Read "First in his Class" by Bill Maraniss if you want the facts.


New member
Oh, PLLLllllleeeeeaaaase!

His f***ing heart would stop, at the first"boom"...Has been and always will be worthless POS


New member
He would not lay down in a trench;
He would prefer to bed a wench.

Bed a wench on a bench.
But if that bench was in the trench,
then he'd be gone 'cept for his stench!

*sorry, I'm really tired*


New member
I'm sure Jews around the world are celebrating that piece of news. The funny part? He really believes he would fight!:rolleyes:

Clinton is the guy in high school who was always holding the jackets during the fight, then telling all the girls on Monday morning how he took on the other school's toughest guys.:barf:

The reason so many men are sickened by this guy is that part of him is so transparent. Once more with feeling: :barf: geegee

45 Long Colt

New member
Hell, I'll kick in some cash toward his ticket if he'll really go.

But I haven't believed a damn word he's said since at least the "I didn't inhale" speech.

He has no honor, no integrity and from me he gets absolutely no respect.


New member
Is there any way to find out who all the cheering masses were at this fundraiser?
If they believed what he was telling them they have got to be ready to buy several bridges, one of which is in Brooklyn.

After they buy the bridges then they will probably go for the swampland in Nevada, or is it Florida? Shouldn't make that much difference.


New member
[sarcasm mode on] Klinton said he killed ducks at 80-90 yds with a shotgun....imagine what he could do with Hillary's duck rifle [sarcasm mode off]



New member
Bill Clinton put his hands around an evil assault weapon with those dreadful high capacity magazines? No way!

I really think he has started inhaling. I pity the poor fellas who have the detail of watching this A***hole. Think about it folks...this boob was once in control of the launch codes!:eek:

Jamie Young

New member
I'd like to send him some hi cap mags from NJ and California so he could fight with one of them nasty "assault rifles."

He must have a Jewish girlfriend he's trying to impress.

Maybe we should ask Saddam to...... you know..........;)


Well they were paying 1000 dollars a plate, so he told the sheep what they want to hear. He's got lots of legal bills to pay you know.