ya'll been hunting with a 9mm?


New member
I shot a coon a while back. Using 124 gr GDHP. Dropped him cold in his tracks. I thought I was going to have to shoot him more than once or give chase. The 9mm tore him up, but good.

Any ya'll take any other game with the 9mm round???

I know it is not much of a hunting cartridge. I was just interested in seeing what other folks may have shot with 9mm.



New member
I used to shoot crows with my Sig P229r in 9mm. i used a 125 +P cor-bon load and it did wonderful work! I also shot a warthog in Namiba with my Ph's sig p228. Got it right in the forehead! so yes it will work just fine. Not quite the same but I know a guy who shot a grizzly (self defense) with a sig sauer P226 in .357 sig. He used the Speer 125gr Gold dot. He fired two rounds and one hit the skull and deflected the other went between the collar bone on the bears right side and hit lots of blood vessels and then buried itself in the heart. Killed the bear but not the first choice for big furry things!


New member

I don't do any hunting, don't plan on it, but I thought that even a measly 9mm would take out an animal- What the crap would you need for the bigger animals if you were ever in a situation that required it?

I know a guy way back that used a pellet gun for squirrels and it worked- from that info I would have guessed that a real gun would work on almost any animal----guess not!

Is a shot gun enough or does it have to be a rifle? I just figured that since handguns can be scary strong, it would be enough for an animal.

Coltman 77

New member
Many years ago, I shot a coon out of the top of a 80' pine tree with my BHP.

Right in the head. I was running a pipeline construction crew through the woods laying a sewer line.

One of my men was very excited to have the dead coon, put him in a burlap sack and took him home to eat.

All the crew, older tough guys, (I was about 23) were in awe of my splendid shot. (Which was just lucky, but it got me some gravitas with 'em.):D


If I was needing to eat and had only a Browning Hi Power I'd not hesitate to bag a deer.
Saw pictures of a deer a guy shot with his Hi Power at a range of 35 yards. He used JHPs and only one shot broadside brought it down.


New member
Had to dispatch a feral cat last week. Dang thing worked up his courage until I couldn't run him out of the yard & our own cats were afraid to eat out of their own bowl, not to mention he'd run the dog off of the porch to get her food too (why do people say "not to mention", then they always do?). Anyways, he was sitting 25 feet away with his back almost to me, twisted around licking his back. Tapped him right between the front legs, just under the throat with a 147gr HP. Nice entry, no exit- had to have scrambled *everything* inside of him. Followed a *profuse* blood trail for 100 feet, over & around multiple obstacles. Got me to thinkin about those "one shot stop" statistics fer sure.


New member
I've never purposely taken a 9mm into the field with the thought of hunting with it. In fact the only pistols I hunt with are a scoped Browning Buckmark Contour Lite and a Ruger Single Six in .22WMR. They are used on small furry critters only. While there are some diehard pistol hunters out there I doubt any of them carry a 9mm for that purpose and most you would see with revolvers not semi autos. I carry a rifle for hunting. Pistols are with me as either a camp gun for plinking, or something to take down squirrels, rabbits and such for the camp stew pot.


New member
9 mm

one thing for sure if the BIG cats are as hard to kill as the feral cats this old man wants a 50 bfg. last 50 i tried to carry was out of the question though.


Coltman 77

Many years ago, I shot a coon out of the top of a 80' pine tree with my BHP.

Right in the head. I was running a pipeline construction crew through the woods laying a sewer line.

One of my men was very excited to have the dead coon, put him in a burlap sack and took him home to eat.

All the crew, older tough guys, (I was about 23) were in awe of my splendid shot. (Which was just lucky, but it got me some gravitas with 'em.)



You go by weight, a +p 9mm will probably kill anything under 300 lbs. People and the caliber myths. A 22 will kill because of quick shots.

Stopping power is different. A 9 +p should stop anything around 100 lbs.

chris in va

New member
Huh, wasn't aware you could eat raccoon. I will however point out my friend got charged with a felony for killing a feral cat on his property. Seems the neighbor was feeding it and she reported him. Lawyer got it reduced to 1st degree misdemeanor, saving his gun rights at least.


New member
I suppose that shooting cats could get kinda sticky in some areas. In this state they are not considered "property", as dogs are. We're 10 miles out of town & it takes anywhere from three days (LOL, don't hold your breath waiting for that number to pass) to 3 weeks to get animal control to come pick up a stray. When they finally get here they say "just shoot'em next time".


New member
15 yards. Running shot (well running for a g-hog anyway;)) XD9 with cheap WWB 147 grain hp's. I had bragging rights with the boys for a couple weeks:cool:

