Ya gotta love it!

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
I ran down to the range for an early morning shoot yesterday. I began shooting soon after it got good light, and I enjoyed shooting my Beretta PX4 .45 as well as I ever have. After I finished shooting and packed up my gear, I browsed around the area, looking for any worthwhile brass to pick up...

I found a few pieces here and there. At that partcular range, there is a lot of open area that you can walk around in, so I decided to take a walk down near the berm and have a look, "just for kicks." Holy cow! I picked up what turned out to be just over 800 pieces of brass in that area. It was pretty much evenly split between 9mm, .38 Spec, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP. I have no idea why those folks had all been shooting "right up next to" the berm like that, but I'm sure glad that I took a look down there, and that I had a good bucket with me! ;)

Yoosta B. Blue


New member
Leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling to hit on a score like that, doesn't it? Sometimes you get lucky. I had a similar find at our own range this past summer, a day after the Emergency Response Team had rented out our range for their training, I wandered around our range and I found 2 one-gallon buckets of 9mm (half a gallon of nickel-plated cases), and a gallon and a half's worth of .223 brass. Having just picked up a .223 last spring, that score dovetailed nicely into my reloading plans. :D

Congrats on your find! From one confirmed brass scrounger to another, it's sure cool to be able to feed your addiction for free!



New member
I guessing the range has been plowed over the years so all the brass ends up at the berm, thats what happens at my range anyway :)
Nice score!!


New member
Wow! That is amazing, although I don't use any of that brass. I personally haven't seen even one single piece of brass laying on the ground in the past 18 months. That includes the real range as well as the popular informal spots out in the hills on public lands. If I was to find even one stray case, I would feel like I found the Hope diamond sitting there.