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XP and Chrome don't mix

Emerson Biggies

New member
I use an XP machine as that's all I have.
I installed Chrome some time ago and could no longer get to TFL
I get the error message:

"This site can't provide a secure connection
thefiringline.com uses an unsupported protocol

Just tonight, after leaving TFL for months, I went and tried Mozilla Firefox and succeeded in getting in.

Do you have any idea what I have to do to get CHROME to access this site??


New member
Huh, I don't know. Try reinstalling Chrome. Is it possible for you to upgrade to a newer version of windows? Just a thought. . .



Emerson Biggies

New member
Now luck with upgrading to Windows 10. I wouldn't even try to go to 7 or 8 if I could.... I hate them! :)
MY old computer is quite powerful for it's age, but it would be like trying to put a 50BMG round into a 22 caliber. Won't fit and would be a disaster!
I have already reloaded Chrome at other times for different issues, but it does not help.
It may be best to keep an eye on this thread to see if any others have the same problem. Til then, I just keep Mozilla Firefox loaded.


New member
I am going to second upgrading your operating system. Windows dropped support of XP which means that there are no longer security updates being developed and over time XP will become less and less secure. I'm sure that there are people who will continue to support XP outside of official support because I am positive you are not alone. But to be safe, I would look into a new OS.

Heck try Linux if you really don't like the new OS's from Microsoft. Just be safe.


New member
You can install Linux onto a disc or USB and boot from it to try it out. I did that several years ago with Ubuntu Linux and now have it as the only OS on all my computers. If you have some programs on XP that you can't find for Ubuntu, you can even dual boot and keep them.