XDm vs XD


New member
In the process of praising my XD40 to my father-in-law about a couple months ago, I convinced him to get one himself. He has a little more cash then me so he bought an XDm in .40 It only occured to me, about a week ago, that I could borrow his and compare the two side by side. Which is exactly what I did yesterday.

The XDm was still brand new, not a single shot through it since manufacture's test. My XD has over 1000 rounds. In total I spent 600 rounds with about three hundred rounds through both. Slightly different feel in the grips. I noticed no difference in the trigger. The match barrel didn't seem to improve my accuracy. One thing I wish my XD had was that 16 round magazine, the 12 is good, but for a fraction larger magazine, four extra rounds? I'd take that any day.

I will not be rushing out to buy an XDm though, cash restraints is one reason. The big kicker for me, was a FTF on the XDm. The very first magazine I put through worked just find. The second magazine failed to feed the first round. Before clearing I investigated, the mag was seated properly, the round just got stuck half way up the feeding ramp. Cleared the jam, and the gun performed flawlessly for the rest of the range time. Still, with both my XDs having 2500 rounds through them with never a problem, the XDm lost a lot of points for the FTF.


New member
i love my xd sub. i wish the trigger was a hair longer though. i nips my finger every time.

on a side note, your ftf is the reason i never trust a gun i buy until i function test at the range. i would let this go just because it was brandy new and only a handful of rounds through it.


New member
Its not that I would not trust the gun. I would carry it, I just am not going to trade in my trusty XD for the XDm. As far as a future purchase, I would consider an XDm.

That is the first time I have heard the distinct sound of a slide only half-racking with a FTF. It was very eerie, considering I try maintain a mental situation of a gun fight when I'm at the range. The others on the range make a good simulation of other guns firing while I'm reloading, aiming, etc. Hearing the slide fail to close all the way actually gave me goosebumps. I think the state of mind I was in helped with that.


New member
Here's a some pics of the guns and the difference in mag sizes.


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So, let me get this straight. You don't know what exactly caused the malfunction, yet you place the blame on the gun? Did you contact Springfield? Did you have the gun properly cleaned and lubed before the outing?

Give us a big, fat, break.:rolleyes:


New member
The gun should've been thoughly cleaned and oiled first before any range time. I have had my XDM 40 since February. When I brought it home, I cleaned and oiled it. I have never had the first hiccup.
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New member
If it was the first round on a new gun and a new mag, I'd not lose any sleep. The used .40 XDm I just picked up is my new favorite HD handgun. It EATS every kind of ammo I can find (which is a lot, cause no one's buying up all the .40). It outshoots my XD9. I LOVE my standard XD but I feel the M is a great update to an already good weapon. my 2cents

N.H. Yankee

New member
I own both the XDm40 and the XD9mm Sub and have fired numerous factory hollow point and reloads through them with ZERO malfunctions. I have noticed with some pistols that when loading the first round you have to let the slide go by releasing the slide stop and letting the slide go full force or the bullet hangs on the feed ramp. I also notice this more with new guns as the feed ramp may be a bit rough and after a few magazines things smooth out.