Xdm Vs. Glock Vs. Xd


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New member
Ok, this should settle all the talk. I want to know what you guys like better. This factors only for target shooting. No home defense, carry or hunting (obviously!). This deals with all the factors. power, durability, reliability, price, looks and everything else. Post witten feeback if you want. thanks, tom


This deals with all the factors. power, durability, reliability, price, looks and everything else.

xd vs glock?
yeah... Where all of the other threads had failed to come up with a definite answer, this one will succeed!

well... with the barrel length and ammo being equal, the power will also be equal... so there is no winner

durability/reliability.... really, they're about even again

price, again... about equal

well... they look practically the same to me. both are blocky and unappealing

hope i was helpful
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This has been hashed out a lot in previous threads so Im just giving my own opinions. MrNiceGuy summed it up pretty well although I lean to the Glock side because I give the edge in durability and reliability to it. I have now seen a couple of SCXDs in .40 jam quite frequently but thats no scientific proof and Ive not had any problems with my own.

IMO the Glock also carries better as far as being "unobtrusive on the belt".

Asthetically, the Glock is more appealing to me on a simplistic/functional sort of way. Sort of a minimalist beauty I suppose.
The XD, especially in subcompact, appear top heavy and bulky after carrying the Glock. All that is subjective.

XDs are slightly more ($50) in my area but thats no deal breaker.

Accuracy is the same.

Good luck choosing.
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New member
Compared to the stand XD, the Glock wins pretty easily in my book.

Compared to the new XDm? That's tougher.

The XDm has improved ergonomics, higher capacity, and the ability to be disassembled without dry firing. The sights on the XDm are superior to the factory Glock sights as well.

Now I would say the XDm is as good, if not slightly better than the Glock.

As for accuracy, both guns are able to shoot better than most shooters.

The one thing that really let me down about the XDm is the poor trigger. On a match pistol you would expect a match trigger. The XDm doesn't have one.


New member
XD wins

For a new purchase, the XD wins because it comes with all the great gear--ready to go, no additional shopping necessary.

Sgt Pepper

New member
Was the XDM trigger at least better than the "standard" XD model? I thought that was supposed to be a selling point.

For $50, I installed the Powder River Precision trigger kit, and my XD45 is awesome. The pretravel can be set to your liking, trigger pull is light and crisp, and reset is minimal (or at least Glock-like).

I've shot Glocks a lot over the course of 15 years (even owned a 17 and a 21), and the only XD that I have ever experienced is my XD45 (4"). I sold both Glocks (probably to finance other gun acquisitions), and sometimes I miss them, sometimes I don't. I still have the XD, and now that I have installed the trigger kit, I probably won't get rid of it, but you can never say never. That isn't to say that I won't acquire another Glock, and I probably will. Frankly, other than grip angle and the way that the Glock all-plastic trigger can pinch your finger, I never noticed much difference between the two. I believe that both have equal efficacy and both are totally effective in the final analysis. Subjectivism shall rule.

Oh, and ditto the poet!


New member
I like the XDm that I bought. It's a shooter and although it has a combat style trigger, I find it to be light and smooth enough if a little on the creepy side but I'll get used to it. It is an improvement over the regular XD in my opinion but it was never meant to be match grade from what I've read, just improved with a shorter travel. For a reasonable price ($150) you can get it tweaked but I may leave mine alone. Actually, the creep is similiar to my 10/22 so the adjustment should come in time. The barrel was a major factor for me.

I've shot numerous Glocks and probably 6 Xd's all within the last six months. I don't care for Glock's trigger or grip angle but I could live with them both. In the end, the XD's feel better in my hand and the XDm is outshooting the other polymer guns that I've tried. No failures so far with 200 rounds through it.

In all fairness, where is the S&W on the list? I like it too.

Rifleman 173

New member
Glock. Fewer parts than an XD to break or cause maintenance problems. Besides, all of the XD people always compare their pistol to the higher standard Glock wishing that their pistol was as reliable and good. Obviously, XD pistol owners have pistol envy and it shows. And, yes, in more ways than one Glock pistol owners DO have bigger guns....


Glock. Fewer parts than an XD to break or cause maintenance problems. Besides, all of the XD people always compare their pistol to the higher standard Glock wishing that their pistol was as reliable and good. Obviously, XD pistol owners have pistol envy and it shows. And, yes, in more ways than one Glock pistol owners DO have bigger guns....

you're insecure, we get that, it's ok....

but there's no reason to insult xd owners


New member
shoop66 said:
This factors only for target shooting.

It's hard to vote on this one since none of the choices look like very good target guns to me. Aren't those supposed to be combat weapons?


New member
Oh come on Glockers... We all know that the XD has .005% higher muzzle velocity.. It's made in Croatia! The only thing they've done wrong over there is not learn how to count to 10. I need an XDm in 10mm!


New member
Was the XDM trigger at least better than the "standard" XD model? I thought that was supposed to be a selling point.
The standard model I own has almost the same trigger as the XDm. They both are far from match triggers and as far as I can tell, neither is noticeably better (or worse) than the other.