XDm 9mm Now Shipping


New member
I can onlly assume the trigger is like the .40 XDm... terrible. That's the one thing that has held me back from buying one.

I may do it now since Springer and others are offering good trigger jobs for them. It's too cool of a gun not to own.


New member
I also assume the trigger will be the similar, if not the same, as the XDm .40. But 20 (19+1) of +p 9mm JHPs at the ready is hard to argue with. That's some major firepower and capacity if you're into that kinda thing. Wonder how it carries...

Smoke Screen

New member
Anyone have an estimated retail price on those baddies? I've been looking at Buds, etc... and can't seem to find a price up yet for any...:mad: Also, does anyone remember how long it took for the price of the original XD's to drop after their initial release???

I'm giving plasma to help get one into my hands. Also, buying one before mid January to receive 2 extra mags helps make the purchase easier! ;)


New member
Smoke Screen said:
Anyone have an estimated retail price on those baddies? [...] I'm giving plasma to help get one into my hands.

There's a few on gunbroker.com. Buy it now prices range from $615 to $750 :eek: That's a whole lotta crackers you'll be eating before you get this gun. :D


New member
Held one today in my local shop. The trigger was a lot better than the original XDm's were! Felt like a standard XD trigger (so not bad, but not great).

I was very close to buying it, but have other ideas ahead of it. But one will be mine when they get a bi-tone in stock I think.

Man, seeing those 19 round mags made me weep a little! :eek: