XD40sc vs M&P40sc


New member

I'm considering one of the subcompacts. I have a G26 and just do not like the ergos even though I shoot it fairly well. I also want to go up to .40 cal. I know with the M&P I get the 10 round mags, for XD it's 9. This is the max here in NY so, the XD extended mag doesn't mean much to me. I'm planning on doing a trigger job on either if I'm not thappy with the factory trigger. I plan on sending it to the OEM for any work. Nice thing about Springfield is that they will eve put on your choice of different sights (XS Big Dots for me) as long as you supply them. SW won't. Anyone have any experience with both? Which do you prefer and why? Thanks
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Live Free

New member
xD40sc only

I have a XD40 subcompact. I really like shooting this, even without the extended magazine. From 15 Yds or less it shoots very tight patterns, when I get to greater distances it seems to fall off for me. It is a great CCW, mine is carried in a Supertuck, though you may not have a carry option in NY.

Sorry, I have no experience with the M&P.


New member
I have both and love both, but I carry the XD more because it's just a tough little gun. The M&P seems a little more refine. Can't really say anything bad about either. You will be happy with either. Expect them both to be a little snappy in the 40 but it's not real bad.


New member
Changing the sights yourself is easy on either the XD or the M&P. I would try to get some range time with both. They both have a very different feel. I really like the M&Ps but the XDs don't fit my hand at all.


New member
I can't say much for the XD40sc since I have neither shot one or owned one.

I can however talk for hours on end about the M&P40c which I do own or even the M&P9 which I also own.

the M&P is an absolutely fantastic firearm so MANY reasons such as ergos, reliability, accuracy, design and function.

one can easily argue the same points for the XD line of pistols...they are apples and oranges when it comes to design and function but the bottom line is they all go boom when you pull the trigger

although I will say this...I owned a service model XD that would have feed issues from time to time that appeared to be random in nature which partially the reason I do not own one today

My M&P's have not malfunctioned to date and I've owned the 40c for almost 2 yrs now and the 9 almost 6 months

Jack Bauer

New member
I had an XD40c that, while I shot it quite well, hurt to shoot. I don't know what it was, but something about the trigger and the blister it created when I shot it made me sell it. I'm thinking about another compact .40, and will probably go with the M&P.


New member
Can't comment on the XD though I could not be happier with my M&P40c. I carry it daily (8-12 hrs at a time) in a tuckable and find it very comfortable. For a compact, I can't believe how accurate I am with this gun. It's without question, capable of being more accurate that I am at this point. 14rds@20yds (I had a full sized mag in), slow paced firing and I'm happy with this. It's a natural pointer for me. But, all this being said, I havn't shot a XD, just held one. But the M&P still felt better in my hands. Find a range that'll let you rent both and put some rounds down range before you make your decision.



The thing that turned me off to the XD subcompacts is that they only have very short 3 inch barrels. That hurts ballistic performance. And in practicality, a slightly longer barreled gun is just as easy to conceal, with everything else equal. Both the subcompact Glocks and the S&W M&P 40c have 3.5 inch barrels instead. I like the balance and feel that the slighly longer barrels gives.

Ergonomically, the M&P 40c also has the edge for the comfort of the grip too. The little grip extension on the bottom of the M&P 40c 10 shot mags also allows one to just have enough room to get your little pinky finger on the gun too.

Here you can see this point illustrated in a photo that I took of me holding my M&P 40c:


Here is how the gun compares in size with a Sig P239, which holds 3 less rounds in its magazine:


N.H. Yankee

New member
I've owned the M&P 9mm and have the XDc 9mm and XDm 40. I had problems with the M&P and had to send it back twice. Even after it didn't shoot anywhere near as accurate as the XDc or the XDm. I also felt the XD line fit better and pointed better for me. I convinced my son and my best friend to buy the xdc 40 and both absolutely love these guns. My sons duty weapon is a Sig P228 with a laser and he outshoots the Sig with the XDc with open sights.

Both of their 40c's have been absolutely reliable and accurate, they both are very happy with their XD's. Saying that the XD may not be for everyone and isn't. There are many good options in the marketplace today and taking ones time to research and if possible shoot them is advised.


New member
I have an XD 40sc as well as the Sig 239. Both shoot well with no FTF/FTE with hundreds of various ammo rounds thru each. I looked at the M&P and the XD together and it was really a fit issue. i have large hands and the XD fit better than the M&P. I don't worry about the short barrel hurting velocity - I'm more worried about shot placement and ammo selection and reliability. Both are loaded with Hornaday Critical Defence rounds. The Sig 239 is a LEO pre-owner, And it is like a tank. very accurate, very reliable, no issues.

In cooler weather I carry the XD daily, the Sig is the truck/car gun.


New member

Well I went today to the GD and definitely preferred the grip (best grip of any subcompact for me) and trigger of the XD over the M&P. The XD trigger seemed more Glock like, which I am very familiar with. The XD had a longer backstrap than the M&P which felt better in my hands. I even didn't mind the feel of the XD without the extensions since I have thin fingers and could get a 2 and 3/4 finger grip. The mag release seemed easier for me to manipulate on the XD. The M&P did look better cosmetically to me, but did not feel as sturdy. Maybe because it weighs less . It's definitely the better looking gun. I did like the fact that the M&P had the longer barrel and the extra round capacity. The extension that comes with the XD obviously allows a full grip, but doesn't increase mag capacity here in NY. It's also huge (XXL Hands would fit with these) and I would never use it during carry. I think I will stick with the XD which probably only makes sense since I will be buying an XD45Compact.

Oh yeah, I also feel in love with a S&W 2.5" 686 plus .357 revolver I need to think about.
Thanks for your replies.


New member
Tried both. Both shot very well and felt good to me. In the end it came down to Made in Croatia vs Made in Springfield, MA. Guess who won?


New member
I really don't want to change the subject and start a battle, but you'll care where it was made when the economy tanks because there's no more manufacturing in this country. I've said my piece on the subject and am not going to get into an argument over it. The two are comparable in about every way. You want to feed a Croatian family instead of your neighbors, go ahead. Buy a Kia while you're at it.


New member
Get the MP! It is better in all the reliability tests. Thats why police agencies have gone with it more often than Xd and such.

Also with an MP you get a better trigger out of the box, and if you want you can add an apex trigger job yourself. it just requires changing the sear and the plunger safety. very easy to do and is remarkably better.

On top of that there is the SW rebate going on so you can get a mp for around 400-430.


New member
I drive a Honda that was made here. I bought it because it is better than than anything the big 3 has come out with for a sedan. I own a Chevy truck because it is better than anything made by anyone else. I buy the best product for my needs and budget.

Factories are closing because of politicians aren't doing anything to keep plants here. Labor is cheaper abroad. Politicians need to make up for it by other incentives for the corporations.

I'm as patriotic as the next guy but for my money but I'm going to get the most for my de-valued dollars.


P.S. You do appreciate the IRONY of boasting about "buying American" with the moniker of "TriumphGuy" (presumed reference to the BRITISH motorcycle).:D Just having some fun with you. No offense.


New member
Have all the fun you want, but show me an American made motorcycle anywhere near comparable to a new Triumph triple and I'll buy one. Buell was close, but they dumped the last of them in a crusher before the company went under. Just about every other part on a Harley is made in Mexico or Japan anyway.

Back to the guns, put 500 rounds through each (I did) and you won't see any significant advantages in one direction or the other.


The Croats make very good guns. In fact, the same company that builds the XD handguns has produced a new high tech Assault Rifle, which has been adopted by the Croatian Army.

Here is a photo of Croatian government and military officials admiring their new wonder rifle, which is far superior to the American made M-4:


While we are not yet buying many real guns from China, almost all toy guns sold in the USA are now made in China, in factories like this one:

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