
New member
So I had been wanting a hand gun (9mm) so bad that it hurt. A good trade came along and I got my hands on an XD (not the M) .45. I like the gun, feels decent in my hand but about the only gun I have to compare it to is the 92fs (which I loved)

I have been to the range with it a few times and enjoyed every part of firing it (except having to feed it with .45 a $18+ a box)

On one of the local forums in my area a guy is wanting to get rid of an FNX-9. Looking at a few online shops their prices seem to be dam similar, and though little information is out about the FNX the FNP seems to have a VERY loyal following.

Now I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to trade a good quality .45 for a 9mm however is there any big reason I should NOT do this trade? (besides the fact that 9mm is not a proper self defense round :rolleyes: )

What are your experiences with the 2 guns? what stuck out about them?


New member
IMHO, you're not losing with either pistol. If fact, when I was shopping for my first pistol, those were the same two I was contemplating between. Well, technically the fnp9, not fnx9, but the differences between the two are, in my opinion, negligible. I ended up going with the fnp, mainly because I like the way it fit my hand better.

The XD's hare quality guns, tough, and pretty darn reliable from what I've heard. Never owned one, but buddy of mine has one and swears by it.

The fnp, I CCW'd it for over a year with supreme confidence. Fired ~1500 rounds through it with I believe 2 failures to extract with el-cheapo rnl reloads. I later traded for a G19 because it was easier to conceal. If funds allowed, I would have loved to hold onto it.

As for the 9mm not being a suitable defense round...I'd have to kindly disagree, based mainly on the fact that in my case, since it was cheaper to shoot, it allowed me to get more trigger time, meaning more familiarity with how the gun handled, and better confidence in my capabilities with the weapon. I would say if you want a 9mm,and you feel confident with performance of the round, get it. FN makes some damn fine weapons.

Ideally, if you could get a chance to shoot the weapon that would give you a more definitive answer to which one works better for you.

Let us know what you decide.

Major Beef

New member
Same here, when I was shopping for my first pistol, I was down to XDM & FNX in 9mm. I shot the XD and XDM 9mm, liked the way it felt, but I just didn't really like the way it looked.

I picked the FNX over the XDM based on aesthetics. Actually didn't even shoot the FNX before I bought it. Turned out it feels better in my hands compared to the XDM, so it worked out alright. One advantage I noticed about the XD/XDM was the felt recoil. I thought the recoil on the FNX was a lot more noticeable.

cougar gt-e

New member
You will be able to practice a LOT more cheaply with the 9 compared to the .45. Ability to hit the target makes every caliber more powerful. A hit with a .22 beats a miss with a .45 as they say.

I like the Xd line a lot, but have no problems with the Fnx either. Both are quality guns.


New member
The major difference between the FNX and the FNP is that you can carry the FNX cocked and locked. That is also the major difference between it and the XD in that you have DA/SA or SA vs the SA XD. I like my FNP but after ~6000 rounds I still want a carry option that allows for consistent trigger on each shot.

I think they are both fine pistols but I can tell from personal experience that FN customer service is stellar. I can't say either way about the XD.


If I had it to do over again, I'd get into the FNX platform over the XD, though the FNX wasn't designed (nor the FNP, I think... this was 5 years ago). Cocked and locked with a hammer instead of a striker, change-able backstraps, comes with 3 mags instead of 2. All-ambi controls, light weight, low bore axis.

But the XD is a fine pistol.

I won't be changing from the XD to the FN platform because I have 10 magazines and OWB and IWB holsters for the XD. Recreating that potential will cost another $500 on top of the cost of the gun.

One thing you might notice with the FNX in 9mm versus the XD in .45acp, is the grip diameter and length from backstrap to trigger face will probably be smaller on the FNX.


New member
I have yet to be able to get my hands on the FNX but I do have large hands (I am 6' 4")

The guy I am talking to also has an offer for an xd 45 compact. Guess I will see which way he goes.


New member
I have an FNP-9 that I really like and highly recommend them. I like it so much I recently picked up an FNX-40 and I really, really like that gun. I'm a 1911 guy so I really like the thumb safety on the FNX (you can carry condition 1 if so inclined) and I think the ergonomics have been improved as well. The bore axis has also been lowered (slightly) on the FNX so the recoil is a little tamer. Accuracy far exceeds my capabilities. I've never had any kind of failure with my FNP-9 and I'm expecting the same from the FNX. The trigger on the FNX is very nice (that's my biggest problem with striker fired guns). Not the best CCW choice but for any other application (duty, range, home, etc.) I highly recommend the FNX line.