XD Subcompact Owners, your thoughts?


New member
My oldest son was down this weekend, taking his brother for a day out before the younger son leaves for the Army. He brought along his new Springfield (fullsize) XD 9mm, for us to look over while they were gone. My wife was quite taken with it, and found the handling and trigger reach/action better than our Sig 220. Peggi cut her teeth on my old WW II 1911s and she positively prefers the short-trigger actions. She is a good shot and the can handle the recoil from anything up to & including 210 grain .44 mags.

After some discussion she has settled on the XD Subcompact in .40 S&W, and I expect I will be ordering one- barring any negative reports from those of you who have owned and/or fired one extensively. I'm gonna wait a day and see what y'all have to say about them. I'd also be interested in accounts of reliability/accuracy from the subcompact XD-9.

So fire away... and thank you in advance.


New member
I like my sub compact

I traded a colt defender more than a year ago for the first XD-9 Sub in Alabama and have never regreted it. The colt had problem after problem and when I asked the guy at the store I would trade him he laughed and did indeed trade, But my sub has never had any problems. As far as controlability no problems men with large hands can add a Pearce grip. No if she can handle to recoil then there is no problem with that. And accuracy its as accurate as any other 400 dollar pistol and then some. Some people say they have problems with rust, but if you treat it like a blued gun then you should not have any problems.


New member
I have the service model XD40 in stainless. Unless your wife wants something really concealable I'd say get the 4" service model instead. The only problem that I hear about is the finish, that's why I opted for the stainless.


New member
The only thing I really don't like is the bore is higher on the XD than it is on my glock but other than that it seems to be a great gun. matter of fact I like the addition of the grip saftey that my glock lacks. Too bad my department won't let me carry anything but glock.


New member
When you pick up the subcompact check the front sight to make sure its secure. I shot mine loose after 1K rounds. Over at hs2000talk.com there are reports of loose front sights. I need to send the pistol back to SA. I have an XD9 Subcompact and they are really accurate pistols! Also get the grip extensions. They make a world of difference in how the pistol handles.


New member
I just traded in a Glock model 22 full size .40 on a new XD9 sub compact. I was going to get a G26, but the XD9 was right next to it and I prefered the feel of the XD, plus I liked the grip safety and light mount. I have a couple of hundred rounds thru it so far and I really like it. I had no mechanical problems, although I did have one pierced primer with some 15+ year old generic ammo.


The XD has a better trigger until it actually breaks the shot, then there is a little more overtravel than my Glock.

I noticed slightly more muzzle rise with the XD, probably due to the smaller grip and higher bore axis. Not objectionable.

My slide lock was tight, I used the slingshot to release the slide.

I like the mag release, there is no difference between left and right. I'm right handed, but I respect a good design solution.

Sights are dovetailed and the same as a Sig. No special one of a kind sights.

Field stripping is simple and quick. Captive recoil assembly.

Stainless steel magazines, no Armor-all required.

It's thick, but so am I, so we go together.

There are holsters out for it, but you have to look a little.

I could care less about the loaded chamber indicator or the cocked striker pin, you may feel differently.

I got hit on the head and shoulders by a couple of cases at the range. They may have bounced off of the divider but I doubt it, they seemed to drop down on me.


New member
I got hit on the head and shoulders by a couple of cases at the range. They may have bounced off of the divider but I doubt it, they seemed to drop down on me.

The first 500 cases bounced off me. I smarted up and put on a hat. After the break in period it stops!


New member
My XD-9 sub is the uglyist gun that I've ever loved. I ignored them for quite a while because of the lack of esthetics, but finally asked to see one in a local gun shop just to take a look at the light mounted on it. Much to my surprise, I found that it fit my (admittedly small) hands very well indeed, and great 'pointability'. I borrowed a friends to give it an actual try, and found that I shot better with it than with either my Glock or my 1911. I ended up getting one for Christmas a few weeks later. After a few thousand rounds, I haven't had any problems whatsoever. It's now my 'go to' gun, and I recommend it to others without hesitation.



New member
I've had my Sub Compact 9mm for 3 or 4 months now, it's been flawless on all ammo tried and it's very accurate. I couldn't be more happier with it, I've had several Glocks thru the years but the XD instantly shot better for me, I guess all the years of shooting 1911's helped for me shooting the XD better as it's pretty close to the same grip angle...It gets a +++rating from me.
Regards SonnyD


New member
Hi guys,

Momma settled on the standard-size XD in .40; picking it up tomorrow. If the Missouri monsoons let up for 15-20 minutes on Father's Day, I imagine it'll get a box or two of WWB 165's herded through it. Let you know how it works out, and thanks for all the input.

Heck, I just might need a .40 compact fo' meownsef.


New member
I bought one a week ago. First time in the range and at 15yds I shot a 5 shot group that you could cover with a quarter, dead on center. I was greatly impressed with it's accuracy. The only drawback is that it doesn't fit my favorite holster which was made for a glock. I'm thinking I should have gotten the G26 just for the sake of the holster, but other than that I'm very impressed with it. Time will tell.


New member
Too big and clunky for my taste. It is about the same size as my Glock 32. My full size XD was extremely accurate; the sub compact was only so-so. Don't let my opinion sway you though; as I have sold every piece of plastic that I owned and have gone back to shooting 1911's, HP's, P7's and a few Maks thrown in. I tried to love all of that plastic; including HK's, in the end, I just couldn't.

Quail Fat

3 things bug me about the XD's

1. The trigger reset is too long.
2. The finish sucks.
3. The extractor is a royal bitch to remove and is a leaf spring type, that barely grabs the lip of the brass at the 5 o'clock position instead of a firm grip at the 3 o'clock position.


New member
The trigger reset is long, I'll agree, the finish on both of mine is as good today as it was when new, almost a thousand rounds thru each, no wear spots from carrying and being tossed on the table, and with almost a 1000 rounds thru each, I've had 100% success with all ammo tried, from cheap WWB bulk 100's to premium hollowpoints. The extractor may be a little difficult to get out, I don't know, I'll let you know when I have an extraction problem :D
Regards SonnyD