XD compact?


New member
Is there a downside to the shorter grip? In particular, if I got one I would carry it rarely, but it would be carried, but it would primarily be a home defense/plinkin gun. Debating whether the compact grip would be best choice?
For plinking/HD only I'd go with the Service or Tactical full size for the extra controlability and extra rounds. If you want to carry it the compact will
definately be better suited and offer less printing through clothing. If it were me and I knew I was going to carry it even if only occasionally, I'd pick the compact.


New member
The newer subcompacts come with a 16rd full length magazine with a grip extension.

Best of both worlds.


New member
The newer subcompacts come with a 16rd full length magazine with a grip extension.

Question.... do you know WHEN they started doing that? In particular was it on the same date (or after) they started using the Melonite finish on the guns?

I want to get a XD9SC with Heinnie slant pro night sites, but none of the vendors around here happen to have that exact combination at this time. Which means I would need to order which means comitting funds without first knowing what finish I will get. Perhaps I'm worried over nothing if the old finish guns are long gone out of the supply channel... but I don't know if they are or aren't. All SA can do for me is tell me about any gun I call in the SN for. And that only helps me for ones in the shop already.

You guys have some tips for helping me make the right buy?


New member
I can't give you a date, but all the new stock has both a 10rd and a 15 rd extended mag with them. I think the finish issue has been resolved since like 2005 as well.

xdtalk.com is your resource for all these questions.

I have a 5" XD9, I've been thinking about the 3" to complement it if I ever have the money again.


New member
Since you are considering HD as well as occasional CCW, it will depend upon whether you carry IWB, OWB, or pocket. When I carry, I do so in the POCKET only.

A primary consideration re pocket carry would be weight.

Yesterday, a friend and I briefly took a look at two sub-compacts. A Glock 26 and a Springfield XD9 sc.

The XDsc is a fine gun, but it's too heavy and a bit large, IMO, for a sc to be used for POCKET CARRY. My friend will probably get the Glock 26. But, then again, he and I prefer POCKET CARRY carry exclusively.

While at the gun store, we also inspected my new gun, e.g., Kahr CW9, pending pick-up. It slipped into my dress pants front pocket nicely without a holster. I'll probably be carrying it in a DeSantis Nemeis pocket holster. It weighs only 17.7 oz. unloaded w/mag inserted, but I'm relying on other firearms for HD, namely shotgun and S&W .357 magnum revolver.

If when you carry it will be for POCKET USE exclusively, then try not to get a gun with an empty weight much more than one pound.

Another consideration for dual use, e.g., HD and CCW, might be a Glock 19, or a S&W M&P9sc. Great guns-make sure you like the grip angles. size, weight, and the way they point.

There are additional choices out there, too, so I would not be hasty in deciding which is best for you. Be sure to hold the gun in question before deciding, and see if you like it; better yet-rent one at the range.