XBox, GameCube, or Playstation 2-Which one and Why?

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Big Dog Dad

New member
Xbox, GameCube, or Playstaion 2?

My 13 year old daughter is bugging me for a new gaming system. Other than my utter despise of Gates and the crap he puts out, I am open to suggestions on what is the hot system these days. I keep hearing that all of her friends have Playstation 2, but that is like telling me that everyone is buying a Taurus pistol and I need to get one. Not going to happen!:p


New member
Ignoring for now that this is WAY O.T....

It's pretty weird that you include Xbox in the list of potential systems and then go into a mini diatribe on Gates.

Gates has done more to elevate the standard of living in this country than anyone else in the last 25 years.

In my opinion, the Xbox is clearly superior - it comes with a hard drive, and a broadband adaptor, and it has indistry standard hardware meaning it is easy to develop for and should attract a LOT of attention and cool games.

The PS2 has momentum, but is harder to develop for and IMO is not worth the $300 box that you can pay for an Xbox and get more features.

I dont know much about the GC.

Really, they are all very good, but I think that the Xbox is going to be around the longest and have the most revolutionary games.

And what has Gates ever done to harm you?


New member
Well, my 11 yr old has 2 of the 3 and most every system that came before them. The Playstation 2 has been out longer, and therefore has more games available.

The Gamecube is new but is coming on strong, all the old favorites are available for it, as well as some great new games.

Xbox is also new but is making a strong showing. There are a lot of good games out for it.

If you go for sheer popularity and the ability to play more games with friends then Playstation is a good choice. If you want the latest technology and growing popularity give one of the new ones a try.

Besides input from my son, I also happen to work for one of the largest game publishers in the industry. If they weren't all viable systems we wouldn't be making so many titles for them.

Hope this helps. If you have more specific questions, feel free to email me offboard.
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