X-Bolt sighted in


New member
Thanks to those who gave their input regarding my new setup. Always appreciate the honest opinions and experience shared here.

Went with the X-Bolt, carbon fiber stock, brushed stainless fluted barrel in 300 wsm and the Swarovski Z3 4x12-50mm.


Took it to the range today and this is the four shot group from 100 yds.



New member
Very nice setup and good first range trip . I like target pictures with the firearm . Looks like you got the rings & mount right for that big 50mm obj. scope . It looks real nice , good job .

What is your main use for this rifle ?


New member
Hunting mostly. Going to do some Axis hunting in Texas this March. Also, have been invited to Montana to do some elk hunting this fall and to Colorado for deer. Hope to fit all of that in. :)

I own a .243 that will take care of whitetail but got rid of my 30-06 and was looking to get a heavier caliber for the bigger game.

Eventually want to just see how far I can hit with it. Would like to be able to hit from 700 yds but realize I'll need to work my way up to that.

For now, just hunting.


New member
Reloads or factory? If they are reloads try seating your bullets out further towards the lands if you have the magazine space. Nice shooting, BTW how are you liking that scope?


New member
Taylorce1: Thanks for the compliment.

These are factory Fusion 165 gr loads. Will get to reloading this one eventually and hope to find the "right" load for it. When we hunt Axis in March I want to go to at least 500 yds and see if I can hit 10" plates. This is a friend's ranch and they have an old grass landing strip which should be perfect for shooting at distances.

Scope was good. Very clear although the conditions were not adverse; 38 degrees, cloudy with a tad of wind. I've been told that the Swarovski really shines in low light conditions so I'll put that to the test soon. Don't want to step on the back porch and start looking at the neighbors through the rifle scope. :D

At 100 yds we didn't even need the spotting scope as it was easy to tell where every shot hit. At greater distances I'm sure that will change.

I did setup the ballistic turret according to the Swarovski website and will see how close the 200, 300, 400 and 500 yard settings are.


New member
SKS, Keep us updated on your progress. I myself just purchased a X bolt Stainless Stocker in a 280 and I'm in the process of working up a load for it.
That's a fine looking rifle


New member
Will do WC. Just got the rifle this week so I'll have to get some dies for the press and then have some real fun. :)

Enjoy your X-Bolt.


New member
You chose wisely with that scope. I have many Swarovski's and they are the best in low light conditions. I think your groups will tighten up with premium ammo or reloads.;)

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The first time I ever shot on my 500-yard range at a 22" steel plate, my '06 was zeroed for 200 yards. Just a "good breeze" but not really "windy". I held two feet off the center and hit the vertical center line but six inches low.

IOW, once you reach out toward 400 yards or so, wind is the most difficult part of the deal.


New member
Thanks to all for the input. Will work on the hand loads later on and that will be fun in itself. I'll eventually get comfortable with the rifle and look forward to some tighter groups in the future.

Art: I definitely have to work up to the longer ranges. :D I'm comfortable at 200 all day but beyond that will be a work in progress. I hear you on the wind. Everything I've read, watched or heard says that the farther you reach out the wind creates havoc and that makes sense.

I'm not a sniper nor do I want to be, just want to have the capability to reach out that far if necessary. Also, the process is really fun and I expect to enjoy it. :)


New member

Was this your group or your first 4 shots bring scope to 0? I just got X-bolt
in box, guy got it for Christmas. He fired 1 shot, with no scope Christmas
morning. I've got the other 19 with it. He claimed it kicked to bad but I think
he just wanted cash. It's the walnut stock model in 270 WSM. I haven't put
scope on yet. I don't know if I want to keep it if posters first group is what
I can expect. Extreme shot on deer for me would be 250yds and that would be
rare in areas I hunt. I have no experience with the WSMs, lots with 7mm
300s,338s and 375 H&H. What can I expect from this rifle that my 270 or
30-06 won't do?


New member
Drm50: Personally I don't think the 270 wsm will do anything your 30-06 or 270 won't do except give you another gun. That might be reason enough to keep it. ;)

I've posted anther picture to give some perspective on the group.

The center shot was shot #6 as I walked the gun into the center of the target. At that point I felt it was sighted in good enough for 100 yds. The next shot was at the 3:30 position; the following shot was right at the 4:30 position and the last shot was roughly 5:00. All shots center to center within the size of a quarter. From a factory load, first time shooting the gun I was pleased with that.

I'll work up a handload that that gun really likes and go from there but any of those shots would have taken a deer at 100 yds. Again, I'm not capable of putting 10 shots in one ragged hole from 500 yards but I'm pretty sure my rifle and scope will only miss due to shooter error.



New member
All shots center to center within the size of a quarter. From a factory load, first time shooting the gun I was pleased with that.
I've been told that Browning barrels and receivers are so out of square they can't possibly be that accurate right out of the box, so I guess your Quarter must be 3" in diameter ;)


New member
I've been told that Browning barrels and receivers are so out of square they can't possibly be that accurate right out of the box, so I guess your Quarter must be 3" in diameter.

Maybe it was the ammo that did it. :)

In March I'll be able to take the gun to 500 yds and see what happens. Will have the space to go more but for now 500 will do. Maybe work longer distances later on.

I'll post the results, good or bad, :D for all to see.


New member

SKS thanks that made me feel a little better. I don't really need another rifle
the X-Bolt makes 29. The only calibre that I had fits with was 264, never had
one that suited me for accuracy. I was afraid WSMs were finicky but really
didn't buy gun for a need. Gun has beautiful stock and price was right, in
the box with 19 rds. Ammo. If a rifle don't preform, it don't go in rack no matter
how pretty or what make. I think it was J O'conner who said only accurate
rifles are interesting.


New member
Drm50: Well if you don't want the X-Bolt and are offering a steal of a deal...:D

I don't have enough experience to say if WSMs are finicky or not and will leave that to the experts. One thing I did notice in some of the articles about the WSM family is that the most popular and better performing of them all was the 300 WSM. Don't know if that is accurate but did see that in a few articles I read online.

One thing I love about the X-Bolt is the trigger. It is amazing and mine is literally like glass breaking. Pretty cool to feel.

I will say that I had headache after a handful of shots. :) Then again, I don't plan on shooting 5-6 times at a deer.

Good luck with your gun.