Wyoming members!


New member
Considering a job/state change due to the economy and my state selling my job down the river. How are the gun laws up there? CCW hard to get? Any bans/restrictions? Economy OK, price of gas? Thanks for any replies.


New member
Everything in the NW part is really slowing down now. We're finally feeling the blow here. Unless you're a doctor there's not a lot of jobs around here. We do const. and are basically done for the year. We don't have any gun laws really, as long as it's in plain sight it doesn't matter if its loaded. Gas is around $2.60 or so.

I don't go to town much so thats about all I know.
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New member
armoredman, sorry to hear about your situation.
I've been having Monster.com send me help wanted ads from Wyoming for about a year. In all that time the only jobs have been healthcare (nurses and specialists especially) and "outdoor sales". Oh, some "manager trainee" for retail shops, PETCO or fast food joints.
It doesn't look real promising going there hoping to find something after you arrive.
Good luck.


New member
Wyoming jobs, etc

Armored, Here is the state website for employment.

Gun laws are non existent(nearly). I just drove from one corner of the state to another, to another w/ 5 rifles w/ mags loaded and a pistole hanging from my 4wd shifter. Last time I got stopped by a Highway Patrol officer, I handed her my ccw permit along w/ my license. She inquired if I had a weapon in the truck to which I answered that there was one under my seat and two rifles in the back. She simple said to keep them there while she ran my plate, etc. They get much more nervous if you try to exit the vehicle and speak w/ them.
CCW permit requires some form of firearms training. Local classes everywhere. When I did it 4 yrs ago, my hunter safety card sufficed. Of course the regular fingerprint/background check. Got my permit in about 4 weeks. Had to go to the county jail to get fingerprinted and paid $75 as I remember w/ $15 of that for the print-taking fee to the county govt.


New member
Some Wy info: mostly CCW related

I got a CCW permit from Wyoming a little over a year ago.

I will paste in their info. One nice thing is if you are a Vet, your dd 214 will suffice. Otherwise a training course. I had a Colorado permit, & so they waived the 6 month limit.

If you move around Cheyenne, they are now building one of the largest shooting facilities in America, approved by vote & public funding.

In general, it is a very sensible state for law abiding citizens, you will not find better people anywhere, and there is no state income tax. It is a lower wage state but cost of living is way lower.

Property taxes for houses are are very low, and they have one of the lowest unemployment rates of all states. If you are a good job candidate & good worker, there is work available.

Housing prices remain level. Do NOT go there thinking you will pick up a cheap property. The lack of state income tax & extremely low property taxs seem to keep housing prices strong.

rent is pretty reasonable. Gas about average. groceries average or below average. car insurance is cut in half from Colorado.

It is great place to live if the wind doesn't bother you.

Some of the locals talked about some crime occasionally, but, it is about the safest place you can imagine, and I grew up in rural Iowa.

One thing I found interesting, to get a Wyoming Drivers license, you need a Certified copy of your birth certificate issued by your state. A woman who changed her name in marriage has to have a certified marriage document from the state showing the name change. You have to have the official social security card. They check your vehicle records very thoroughly.

I found all of this to be very good, & am glad they do it to keep out scammers & criminals & identity thievs & etc. I left the state of Wy but for personal/family reasons.


Wyoming permit info:

vii) Demonstrates familiarity with a firearm. A legible photocopy of a
certificate of completion of any of the courses or classes or a notarized
affidavit from the instructor, school, club, organization or group that
conducted or taught the course or class attesting to the completion of the
course or class by the applicant or a copy of any document which shows
completion of the course or class or evidences participation of firearms
competition, shall constitute evidence of qualification under this paragraph.
Any one (1) of the following activities listed in this paragraph shall be
sufficient to demonstrate familiarity with a firearm:

(A) Completion of any certified firearm safety or training course utilizing
instructors certified by the National Rifle Association or the Wyoming law
enforcement academy;

(B) Completion of any law enforcement firearms safety or training course or
class offered for security guards, investigators, special deputies, or any
division of law enforcement or security enforcement;

(C) Experience with a firearm through participation in an organized handgun
shooting competition or military service;

(D) Completion of any firearms training or safety course or class conducted by a
state certified or National Rifle Association certified firearms instructor;

(E) Be certified as proficient in firearms safety by any Wyoming law enforcement
agency under procedures established by that agency; or

(F) Honorable retirement as a federal or state peace officer who has a minimum
of ten (10) years of service.


New member
Another site you might want to look at is www.usajobs.com
Wyoming, like many other western states has plenty of Federal jobs and usually quite a few of the agencies are hiring.
BLM has about 11-13 field offices in Wyoming, you also have a large number of National forests and of course, Yellowstone NP.
Needless to say, Fed Jobs are not that bad:D. Pays the bills and more. I have to admit, I have no complaints.