Wyoming Gun Bills


New member
Two gun related bills have been introduced this year, both related to gun free zones.

HB 136 removes college campus restrictions for CCW holders.


HB 137 removes the restriction on CCW at government meetings, and possibly removes the force of law for "no firearms" signs on businesses.


Both have been referred out of the Judiciary committee as "Do Pass".

Both bills would be YUGE for me personally.


New member
Missed a few last night.

HB 160 would impose a 3 day waiting period for handgun purchases, but includes an exclusion for Wyoming CCW holders and permit holders from any other state that recognizes Wyoming permits. Also an exclusion for trades.

HB 231 would create an exception allowing prohibited felons to possess "antique firearms".

Also HB 169 would impose "responsibility and liability" on business owners who ban firearms for any damages, harm, legal or other expenses incurred while not being able to carry.

(a) Any person who prohibits the carrying of a firearm on the person's commercial or business premises by an individual and the individual is not otherwise restricted from carrying a firearm on the commercial or business premises by Wyoming law shall assume responsibility for the safety and protection of the individual while on the premises.

(b) An individual who is prohibited by a person from bringing a firearm onto the premises of the person's commercial operation or business and who is injured or killed or incurs economic loss or expense, loss of property or any other compensable loss as the result of an incident occurring on the premises shall have a cause of action against the person. The cause of action under this
subsection shall be limited to incidents that could have reasonably been prevented by the individual if the individual had been lawfully carrying a firearm where injuries or losses are caused by:

(i)Other patrons or invitees;
(iii)Employees or owners of the commercial operation or business; or
(iv)Vicious or wild animals.

(c)Any person who successfully brings a claim pursuant to this section shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and court costs in addition to any damages.

SF 75 would bar persons on the federal terrorist watch list from buying firearms in Wyoming.


New member
Waiting periods are useless to law abiding folks.
Just ask the lady in NJ who was stabbed to death "waiting" for the cool down period. Meanwhile her X attacked stabbed and killed her. Just one of many shinning examples of a useless law.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


New member
"Waiting periods are useless to law abiding folks...."

Most right thinking folks agree.

"Just ask the lady in NJ who was stabbed to death "waiting" for the cool down period."

But that's not accurate. We don't have a cool down period. She was waiting for her carry permit.
WyMark said:
SF 75 would bar persons on the federal terrorist watch list from buying firearms in Wyoming.
I don't much care for this one. Considering that people can get on the list because of a name similarity to somone a continent away, not even know about it, and then it's nearly impossible to get your name OFF -- this is not a good idea.


New member
AB - I doubt it will get much traction, but you never know.

I don't think the waiting bill will go anywhere either, but I have a CCW and don't really care that much either way. Other than it's pointless and stupid, but that's what legislators do.


New member
HB0136 (Campus Carry) and HB0137 (Repeal Gun Free Zones) are scheduled for 3rd reading in the House today, if they pass both go to the Senate for consideration.

HB0231 (Felons/antique weapons) has passed out of the Mineral(???) committee.

None of the others have moved out of committee yet.


New member
An update as the session is drawing to a close.

HB0090 - Allows Wyoming residents who are active military and their family members to apply for a CCW without having to appear in Wyoming. This bill has passed and is waiting for the Governor's signature.

HB0136 - Campus Carry. This bill would allow valid CCW holders to carry on college campuses in Wyoming without written approval from the college admin. This bill passed committee in the second house but failed first reading on the floor, and is now dead.

HB0137 - Repeal Gun Free Zones. This bill removes the restriction on government meetings. Passed second reading in the Senate yesterday. Third reading on Monday, if it passes then it will go back to the House for concurrence on amendments.

HB0194 - School Safety and Security. This bill will allow the trustees of each school district to allow specific teachers and employees who posses a valid CCW permit to carry on school grounds. Has passed 2nd reading in Senate, same as above.

HB0223 - Concealed Weapons Permit Issuance. This bill would make it so that your out-of-state carry permit would no longer be valid to carry in Wyoming, if you are denied a carry permit in Wyoming. Stuck in the Senate Judiciary committee and will probably die there, it would have to pass from committee and pass first reading on the floor on Monday to stay alive.

HB0131 - Firearm possession - allow felons antique firearms. As the title states, this bill allows felons to own and possess antique firearms, as defined under federal statute. The bill passed the Senate on a unanimous vote and went back to the House for concurrence, which failed. It's now in Joint Conference Committee, but will likely pass.

Everything else, including the waiting period and no gun sign liability, are dead for this year.


New member
The Senate Passed the bill to ban Gun Free Zones.

But reading the bill as posted on Trib.com (News) was confusing. The way Trib reported it. A person with a valid WY CC permit can carry in schools,

BUT: Teachers and other school employees have to have the school's permission.

ODD, I think it would be better is they let teachers carry just like anyone else.

You can carry at government meetings, unless the government meeting is on a college campus, then you have to have the college's permission.

The final bill has to be looked at by the House now. I guess I'll wait and see what the final version is after the Gov. signs it.


New member
"I guess I'll wait and see what the final version is after the Gov. signs it."

kraig, do they have to approve it to see what's in it? ;):eek::)


New member

The House Engrossed Act is here.

It sounds like the Trib article conflated two or three or four bills.

HB0137 as passed by the House would add Statute 6-8-105 to the State Constitution, which would allow anyone who can lawfully carry a weapon in Wyoming to conceal carry in any government or legislative meeting.

The Senate amended the bill to add language which would allow any local governing body to restrict that privilege.

"(c) the governing body of a city, town or county may allow or prohibit the carrying of concealed weapons at any meeting of a governmental entity on public property within the corporate limits of the city, town or county.".

It went back to the House for concurrence and they rejected it on a vote of 4 to 56. It now goes to a joint committee to resolve the difference, which hopefully removes the Senate amendment.

HB0136 Campus Carry is dead.

HB0194 School Safety passed the Senate, went back to the House for concurrence and passed today. It will be sent to the governor. The House engrossed version is here.

2ndsojourn said:
do they have to approve it to see what's in it?

Yes, pretty much. Once a bill passes both houses the amendments are added and it becomes an Enrolled Act, which is sent to the gov for signing. Until that happens it's really hard to sort through the adopted and failed amendments and figure what it's going to end up looking like.

HB0090, Concealed Weapons - Military Families, is now an enrolled act and can be read here.


New member

Thanks for the update and clarification.

I'm interested in the HB0090, Concealed Weapons - Military Families, Was that just introduced or do you know the status.

I'm trying to figure out how to get my Air Force Granddaugher (who is stationed in GA,) a Permit.


New member

HB0090 is now an enrolled act, HEA0056, and is just waiting for the Governor to sign it into law.


New member
A correction to something I posted earlier: A Wyoming resident who is on active duty can already obtain a Wyoming permit without returning to the state, this bill allows the spouse of a deployed military person to do the same. The bill adds the following (in red) language to State Statute 6-8-104(cc):

The attorney general shall by rule and regulation provide a procedure under which a person who is in active military service outside the state of Wyoming or who is a military spouse as defined by rule of the attorney general residing with a person in active military service outside the state, but otherwise meets the requirements specified in subsection (b) of this section may apply for a permit to carry a concealed firearm under this section without appearing in Wyoming.

Applications under this subsection shall require:
(iii)Certification of the applicable person's active military service outside the state;
(v)Any other information required by rule and regulation of the attorney general, including proof of the marriage of the military spouse and the person in active military service outside the state,
if applicable

Sorry, but that's not going to help your grand daughter much.
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random guy

New member
"Just ask the lady in NJ who was stabbed to death "waiting" for the cool down period."

But that's not accurate. We don't have a cool down period. She was waiting for her carry permit.

Media reports are that she was waiting for state approval to simply purchase a handgun. Not that the media doesn't screw up on a daily basis. This does seem to be NJ state law though.


New member
So far no action on HB0090, HEA0056, military spouse conceal carry permits. If I read things right this will become law by Saturday 3/18 barring a veto.

Governor Mead has vetoed HB0137, Repeal Gun Free Zones. As amended it basically removed local control over government meetings, while setting a different set of rules for the Legislature. I don't disagree with his veto. His veto letter can be seen here. Maybe they can do a better job of legislating next year.

Mead did sign HB0194, HEA0093, School Safety Act, and has indicated that he intends to sign HB0231, HEA0120, Allow felons to possess antique firearms.