www.alliedpilots.org Sign petition to arm our pilots.


New member


Please--PLEASE--please !


5 , count them , five pilot's unions have banded together

in a --- LAST DITCH EFFORT --- to get action on arming our

pilots with real handguns. This petition started 4/9/02.

I just added my name as petitioner # 7948 , but we should be able to do much , much better than that. [ 4/14/02]

PLease copy and paste,that is , post this announcement on any bulliton board, message board or chat room you wish and email it to your friends.

Sinoppsis of recient history from www.gunowners.org April 25,2002 paper [The Gun Owner] concerning this issue follows.

GOA pushing Transportation Dept. to Implement Armed Pilot's Law

After spending countless dollars & man hours on beefing up airport security in a vain attempt to prevent weapons getting onto
planes, 12/01 a Florida man, Barry Burnstein, with a loaded pistol in his carry on lugage boarded not one but two flights before getting arrested while boarding yet a third flight.

We can depend on airport security to keep us safe---NOT!

A federal investigator in southern Fla. was able to carry 3 pocket knives through airport security without getting caught.

Sept 2001, a Tenn. man with a handgun in his pocket got through
Alanta, GA's Hartsfield Airport security.

In Nov 2001 , Pres Bush signed into law the senate & house bills
authorizing armed pilots , but 5 months later our pilots are still unarmed and defenseless.

The law requires the U.S.Transportation Dept. of which the FCC
is a subsidiary, to approve a program for arming pilots.

Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta , the lone Democrat in Bush's cabinet, who heads up the u.s. transportation dept, along with Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge, have expressed their contempt for the Second Ammendment and for the Armed Pilot's Law which Congress
overwelmingly approved and President Bush signed into law.

Not a suprising attitude for a Democrat.

Sec. Norman Mineta's anti gun rights comments are especially troubling because his department is charged with implementing the Armed Pilot's Law.

Here is the situation:
Congress wants pilots to carry guns. The President approved by signing the bill into law.77 % of the American people approve, even those who otherwise support gun control and 73 % of the pilot's favor carry of firearms on board planes.

But Nov 2001 was 5 months ago and anti gun rights Democrat Norman Mineta
seems to need a good hard push,
[ more like dragging both feet,kicking and screaming], in the right direction.

If planes are still being hijacked and crashed into large buildings full of innocent people, if passengers are needlessly dieing due to defenseless and unarmed pilots one year from now, we will all know to blame the anti gun rights democrat, Sec. of Transportation Norman Mineta for placing a political anti gun rights agenda before the welfare and consideration of American's lives.

Please sigh the petition at http://www.alliedpilots.org/


New member
Signed and bumped...

Does it make sense to allow F16s to shoot down a hijacked commercial plane, but NOT allow pilots to defend their own cockpit? Of course not. Sign the petition.


New member
Having signed this petition early on, #7948,
the petition is now nearing 18,000 signatures.

I spent an enjoyable half hour reading some of the many comments that the petition signers included.

Anyone who has not yet signed this petition, I most strongly
urge you to do so now.

If for some reason you are worried about signing, just read
some of the early comments below 100 and you will see some
strong straight foreward language indeeed!

Sometimes, it does no good to be too polite to anti firearm
rights politicians especially when the lives of the passengers as well as whom so ever the plane crashes upon depend upon pilots
being able to retain control of the plane through armed force, if and as necessary.

An entire aircraft being shot out of the sky by a F16 fighter jet and crashing into a city is a major stupid alternative to arming the pilots so that the plane can not be hijacked in the first place.

We already trust pilots with our lives every time we fly and if the
pilots can be trusted with the plane and the lives of all on board, they can surely be trusted with a pistol and 10 rounds of ammo.

One needs to let anti firearms rights [read liberals] politicians and bureaucrats know that we are not buying their stinking load of political agenda bull droppings.