WWII OSS Pen gun

Brian Jones

New member
Anybody have any information on what these generally are worth if they are in good condition? A friend has one that he inherited, given to his Uncle by the predessor to the CIA because his Uncle uncovered Nazi spies in his company back in WWII... It is fully functional and in excellent condition...

Any info would be appreciated!




New member

Bill DeShivs

New member
If your pen gun was registered with the feds in 1968 or before it will have some value as a collector's item. If it has not been previously registered, it is contraband.


New member
OSS pen guns are like Wells Fargo shotguns and the current sniper rifles. There are far more now on the market than were ever made. I would estimate about (% percent more ).

James K

Member In Memoriam
And how does one go about making contraband legal? As I understand it, those are smooth-bore pistols and, in the U.S., are in the NFA AOW category. If one is not registered it is contraband. It seems to my non-lawyer mind that it is illegal for someone to possess it, illegal to transfer it to you, illegal for you to possess it, and illegal for you to change or modify it, because that would be tampering with evidence of a federal felony.

Now if one had originally been made with a rifled barrel, and that could be shown in court, then it would not be an AOW, but simply a handgun. But that is not what you seem to be saying.

You can, of course collect them, all you want, just as you can collect registered machineguns. But making unregistered AOW's or SMG's legal by "disarming" them is a new one on me.

Or could it be that if someone were to sell an unregistered AOW to you, he could find himself having a discussion with your co-workers at the BATFE office?


PS. BATFE has specifically removed the FP-45 Liberator pistol from the purview of the NFA and placed it in the C&R category; AFAIK, that has not been done with any other smooth-bore pistol of that nature.


Bill DeShivs

New member
AND they are "disguised weapons" which automatically puts them on the AOW list.
I guess you could make an unregistered one legal by cutting it into 3 pieces with a torch, and discarding the middle piece.
Sure sounds like a sting (not stinger) to me! :rolleyes:

James K

Member In Memoriam
I have also seen or heard of several people who claim to have some way of making unregistered machineguns legal. Almost always, they believe that if you "just weld it up" or "plug the barrel" or "remove the firing pin", the gun will then be legal. Others think that a museum can take illegal NFA weapons; one fellow told me he ran a museum, took in unregistered machineguns, then loaned them back to the original owners to shoot. (I haven't heard from him for a while, I wonder why.)

Museums CAN accept such guns IF they are government museums AND if the donation is approved by BATFE AFTER the gun is surrendered to them. Just walking into a museum with a Thompson and emptying a 50 round drum into the ceiling to get their attention is NOT recommended.)

(In fact, Bill, even if he did cut the gun up with a torch, it would still be illegal and there would be an additional charge of destroying evidence of a felony. When the term "contraband" is used, think package of heroin. If I find my uncle's stash of horse in the attic, I can't use it, peddle it on the street, pass it around to my buddies, or even drop it in the ocean. The only thing I can do legally is turn it over to LE.)



New member
There is a form 10, to register contraband guns, but they do not become transferrable. If i recall correctly, le or govt agencies can use it to keep weapons they want to use.
As mentioned, a pen gun is still an aow, since it is a disguised weapon.
According to atf, once contraband, always contraband. They have never told us any different.
If this guy is deactivating them, he must be just doing it, and claiming it done, using the parts to make "non guns".
Till he gets caught, i guess.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Anyone remember the M14 that was advertised for sale one time? The seller claimed it was legal to own with no papers and could be sent to any 01 dealer.

I got curious and called the number in the ad. But I forgot about the time change to CST, so my call got there before the "gun shop" opened. The night operator informed me that "Agent X is not at his desk right now." "AGENT X"???? I am pretty sure the gun would have been sold and, if the dealer was not on the ball, delivered to the buyer. Then later, Agent X's buddies would have paid the buyer a visit and the BATFE would have gotten another "dangerous criminal terrorist" off the streets. Beer parties and promotions all around.



New member
I dont remember that add, but people occasionally walk in the shop and ask questions, or come in with something and they want something done. We run them out right quick. But they always leave us wondering. Some of them just dont sound right.


New member
One guy comes in, wanting to know how to make his own homemade suppressor, and he stresses no paperwork, while an atf investigator is sitting at the table in the shop doing the yearly audit.

James K

Member In Memoriam
And that can backfire. At one shop I worked at, the owner told me that a guy had come in with a big round machinegun magazine and wanted $10 for it, and "I threw him out - I don't want no machinegun stuff in my shop...."

With bit of questioning, I determined that it had to be a 100 round Thompson magazine. Needless to say, no name or anything. I have no idea what a C magazine would go for today, but it would be a lot more than $10.



New member
Well, i am sure the ones we have run out, we lost nothing.
Im talking guys who want a gun converted to full auto, guys who walk in with an nfa weapon who dont know what an approved f4 is, stuff like that. Guys who come in and want work done on a shotgun, they have trimmed the barrels, but it needs other work. Cut crooked with a hacksaw, one side is on the line, the other 1/16" short.
"but that side is good, so its ok, right?"


New member
two1253....Hello, I just read this old posting. OSS Stinger pistols can be made legal. I have done it several times. I collect them. Looking to purchase 2 more to fill my original shipping container. If you know of anyone that has one. Please have them e mail me at two1253@aol.com. I must disarm them to make them legal. I know how. It is tricky. But can be done.

Thank you

Noticed he hasn't been back, James K might have exposed him.