WWII bonds poster.


New member
Went out to dinner tonight. On the wall of the restaurant was a WWII poster I'd never seen. It was one of those posters to help sell USA War Bonds. This was one of the best posters I've seen in a long time. The main focus was the statue of Liberty holding the shield of truth in her left hand and reaching for the sword of justice with her right. She was dressed in a battle torn flag. A wounded soldier was on his knees using both hands to pass up the sword to Lady Liberty. This conveyed a very powerful message. Oleg maybe you can work up something along these lines. Don't know what the caption would be, but the symbolism is very powerful. Next time I go there I'm going to take my digital along and get a pick of it.
Of late, war posters have drawn the attention of collectors. Butterfield & Butterfield auctioned off a whole lot of WW II within the last year. There are more books now than ever before on the subject of war posters (propaganda) and studying them is good for recognizing the "manipulation" techniques used then (and now). A good read is "Faces of the Enemy".


New member
Also many web-sites exist

with online images of old posters from every side of every war I can imagine at least, I find them fascinating, and wish I were richer I'd collect same.

I know the artist who did this poster, and now I can't think of his name! :mad:

In my living room I have W. Haskell Coffin's WW I Liberty Bond Poster of Joan of Arc. I have quite a few of his works.



New member
I keep a small collection of these posters, and a number of them really hit something inside me.

This is one of my favorites:


Note the Winchester logo on the bottom.