WWB's in JHP vs......


New member
Does anyone know of the expansion reliability of WWB's JHP's?

How are they inferior (or not) to other self defense hollow points?

Has anyone tested these out?

I bought a box of 50 jhp's from wally world and was wondering. At $18 for 50 how do they compare to the high end self defense rounds?



New member
The more important issue is whether or not you can do your part. Any HP design can and will fail, the only thing you can control is where you put it.


New member
I use 9mm REM UMC 115gr jhp shooting wet phone books, water jugs stuffed with wet paper and have good luck, I am sure they have to be pretty similar


New member
Shouldn't be bad.

Generic HP's don't expand as well as quality ones (Of the VER few I've tested), but they're better than FMJ by a ways.

Really the WWB ammo i've seen is decent on expansion.


New member
When I carried a .45acp, I used the WWB JHP for carry and practice....mainly cause it was cheap enough that I could pratice with it and it was 100% reliable in my firearm.


New member
Then why the dramatic price difference?

WWB JHP -50rds $18

Winchester XTP 20rds $26
Now I could be wrong, but I believe that for many brands the generic JHPs are the older designs.

New bullet comes out with all the research, design, and tooling costs that going into making it, it gets the premium label and the premium price. The older JHP design which has all it's research, design, and tooling costs paid off is the generic because they can now afford to sell it for less.

There may also be some small amount of manufacturing streamlining to the generic JHP that allows them to more easily produce the round in quantity.